liusimin 发表于 2004-6-30 18:21:15


wodemail1 发表于 2004-6-30 20:02:06

QUOTE (wodemail1 @ Jun 26 2004, 11:15 PM) 提示:which disk do you want to write?(0..-1)不管怎么选都还是提示这个我是在WINDOWS下开这个的 DOS下运行不了这个程序!!!有谁做成功过吗???你是用虚拟机吧? 我也用虚拟机试过,也是和你一样的现像,后来我另找一个2G的硬盘,挂上后,在xp的cmd窗口进行写盘,它会先检测出你有多少个物理硬盘,显示出来让你选择,选了硬后只用两三秒种就写好了.然后关机取下刚写的盘,再设为主盘接在IDE1口上,开机,启动完毕后选择1),指定内网卡和外网卡后,再选择2),填入内网卡IP地址,然后在另一台机的IE里输入刚才填的内网IP),再输入用户名:admin 密码:mono (o--是字母o,不是数字0)就可以进入管理页面了.

wodemail1 发表于 2004-6-30 20:06:25

我是在WIN98下使用的   这个是JAVA的程序吗?/我没有用虚拟机

200cc 发表于 2004-6-30 22:46:48


lljlong 发表于 2004-7-1 04:38:33


qianshan 发表于 2004-7-2 10:05:12

硬盘安装写完后,为什么换到目标机器上运行就提示"read error ",看了一篇英文帖子看不懂呀,请大家帮忙!!!!To :m0n0wall at lists dot m0n0 dot chFrom :Andreas Mueller   Subject :Re: Read error when booting m0n0wallDate :Mon, 19 Jan 2004 21:52:15 +0100On Saturday 17 January 2004 21:42, Melvin Backus wrote:> At 09:34 AM 1/17/2004, Andreas Mueller wrote:> >On Thursday 15 January 2004 05:30, Melvin Backus wrote:> > > Most likely suspect would be the drive configuration in the BIOS.Most> > > newer machines can be set to do auto detection, but after they come up> > > you can normally check to see what the reported type/configuration is. > > > I suspect that the failing machine is either not doing the auto> > > recognition or is for some reason recognizing the drive with a> > > different geometry, etc.That effectively means there's nothing valid> > > on it since the order of reading the data off is different from when it> > > was written.A good clue as to whether or not this is happening is the> > > reported size of the drive in the BIOS boot up screen.You can> > > probably also override the auto detection logic and manually configure> > > the drive if you know what the parameters were set to in the machine> > > where you wrote the disk.> >> >I didn't try to copy it directly on this machine, so the geometry> > translation could be a problem. Thanks for the hint.> >> >Andreas>> Your welcome.Let us know if that cures the issue.I've had cases in the> past where that would cause systems to fail even after boot time because> the geometry was close enough to get the OS loaded.Drove me nuts until I> found it.You don't usually forget those.Copying directly on the machine didn't work, same problem (read error).I had some hope when I got this machine booting from CD (pb25). I configured it to use two 3COM 3c905 as LAN and OPT1 (DMZ) interfaces, and an Intel EtherExpress Pro/10+ ISA as WAN interface. I use an ADSL connection, the modem is plugged into the WAN interface, but I can't ping my modem (it says no route to host, but "route get " shows the right interface). The kernel boot messages said that the card has a programmed IRQ of 0, and that IRQ=7 will be used. Maybe this is the problem? Furthermore, the MAC address of the board isn't detected properly, ifconfig says "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff".Andreas

xieganhui 发表于 2004-7-2 12:53:03

出现"read error "你试把硬盘跳线到主,接到第一个IDE口上

hahahu 发表于 2004-7-2 14:22:20

我是用的光盘启动的,但是启动后连接不到路由,改了ip也没有用不知道是为什么 ?

qianshan 发表于 2004-7-2 15:26:45

设置为主盘,并按硬盘物理c/h/s设置硬盘,依然出现:read error 错误,不能正确引导.谁知道怎么办??

wugen 发表于 2004-7-4 08:26:16


心想事成 发表于 2004-7-4 08:36:34


liusimin 发表于 2004-7-4 09:42:46


wugen 发表于 2004-7-4 21:41:00


心想事成 发表于 2004-7-4 21:58:50

liusimin 发表于 2004-7-5 19:21:27

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