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发表于 2004-11-16 14:32:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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很高兴CL终于推出了多语言的wenadmin,自从mpg发表这个消息到现在已经快两个月了。这次翻译要贯上我们的论坛的名头,有意参加翻译的请报名。这个帖子主要讨论具体单词的比较合适的译法。主要涉及的是个人习惯问题。注意修改webadmin的时候,不要使用你做完的软盘中的文件,如果使用了,请去掉 .htpasswd 文件,不然会有点麻烦,用我们制作完的webadmin替换掉image.img中的相应文件即可,按照惯例,完成翻译后,相应人员的名字及email会记录在文件中。要求:中文语言文件的扩展名为:CHN,完整的文件名为:chinese.CHN。完成的文件放在language目录下,以下是英文版的语言文件 webadmin.enu(红色部分已经翻译,请大家翻译其余部分)。大家也可以在webadmin.tgz当中提取出来,文件在image.img中。汉化其中的被引包含的部分。

# Language File for Coyote Linux Web Administrator# English - United States## MPG - www.mpg.com.br/coyote/ - mpg@mpg.com.br# Claudio Roberto Cussuol - claudio_cl@rictec.com.br## Last Changes:# 09/12/2004 - Coyote Version 2.13##Aways use 3 characters to the LANGUAGE_CODE#Do not use accented characters on the LANGUAGE_NAMELANGUAGE_CODE="ENU"NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"# HeaderMWE="Web Administrator"VRS="Version"WEL="Welcome to Coyote Linux Web Administrator"# Menu - LeftMM="Main Menu"Mh="Information"Mdl="Dial"Mhg="Hangup"Mln="LAN Configuration"Mic="Internet Configuration"Mdz="DMZ Configuration"Mdh="DHCP Configuration"Mac="Administrative Configs"Mpf="Port Forwarding"Mfc="Firewall Configuration"Mqc="QOS Configurations"Msp="System Password"Mcf="Configuration Files"Mdt="Diagnostic Tools"Mbt="Backup Now"Mpc="Reboot"# WarningWta="WARNING: Configuration has been changed but not yet backed up."Wtb="WARNING: Configuration has been backed up but system not yet rebooted."Wtc="You need to backup your configuration and reboot for it to take affect."Wtd="WARNING: Your configuration has been changed."Wsi="You should save it!"Wte="Attention!"Wtf="Without automatic backup"Wtg="With automatic backup"Wth="Error: You must specify at least a start and end IP address."Wti="Warning: DHCP address range is no longer on same LAN"Wtj="either correct it on DHCP Configuration page or"Wtk="change LAN Configuration then Backup Configuration and Reboot System."Wtl="You need to backup your configuration to save changes."Wak="What action do you need?"Wop="Optional"Wed="and"Wnt="Network"Wsc="Seconds"Wsv="Your changes have been written to the Coyote Linux configuration file."Wsp="Set System Password"Wcp="Change System Password"Wnp="New Password"Wsu="System password updated"Wbs="Backup of system"Wsb="Starting backup of configuration"Wrb="Rebooting"Wro="Restart"Wpo="Power Off"Wqo="Reboot"Wso="Shutdown"Wba="Coyote Linux optional configurations has been updated."Wqa="Don not forget to Save Your Configuration your configuration before you reboot!"# this command is for reset system, not for eraseWto="Reset"# formsFbk="Back to the list"Fce="Coyote Edit"Fcf="Confirm"Fcg="Configuration"Fcw="The following was written to the Coyote"Fdf="Do not forget to Backup Configuration before you Reboot System!"Fee="Edit"Feo="Ok"Fer="Reset"Fsb="Submit"Fsv="Save"Frc="Recommended"Frq="Required"Fno="No"Fop="Optional"Fye="Yes"Fab="Lease Time"Fac="Actions"Fad="Comments"Fae="Delete"Faf="Edit"Fag="Refresh List"Fah="Do not forget to save your configuration"Fai="Insecure"Faj="Active"Fak="Type"Fal="Rule"Fam="Source"Fan="Destination"Fao="Port(s)"Fap="Permit"Faq="Deny"Far="OR"Fas="High"Fat="Low"Fau="Priority"Fav="All"Fay="Reload"Faw="Navigation:"Faz="Alias"Fbl="Back to the list"# file index.cgiAgi="General Information"Avs="Version"Ahs="Host Name"Adn="Domain"Ans="Network Status"Ani="Internet"Ast="Status"Ait="Internet Type"Aei="External IP Address"Afs="1st"And="2nd"Ard="3rd"Anm="Netmask"Agt="Gateway"Acs="Connected Since"Act="Connect String"Aln="Local Network"Ali="Local IP Address"Abc="Broadcast"Adz="Demilitarized Zone"Aip="IP Address"Adi="DNS Information"Apn="Primary Nameserver"Asn="Secondary Nameserver"Atn="Tertiary Nameserver"Asv="Services"Adc="DNS Cache"Ads="DHCP Server"Ass="SSH Service"Awa="Web Administrator"Asi="System Information"Akv="Kernel Version"Amc="Machine"Adt="Current Date and Time"Aup="Uptime"Ala="Load Average"Als="Last"Amn="minutes"Amu="Memory Usage"Aus="Used"Afr="Free"Abb="Last 1 Minute"Abd="Total"Abe="port"Abf="Gateway Test"Abg="DNS Test"Abh="Release IP"Abi="Renew IP"Abj="Enabled"Abk="Disabled"Abl="Internal Only"Abm="UP"Abn="DOWN"Abo="READY"Abp="PPP (DialUp)"Abq="PPPoE (DSL)"Abr="Ethernet (Static IP)"Abs="Ethernet (DHCP Assigned IP)"# file lanconf.cgiLyf="LAN Configuration"Lym="You must specify an IP address and Netmask."Lyn="LAN configuration has been updated."Lpi="Primary IP Address"Lpj="Secondary IP Address"Lpk="Tertiary IP Address"# inetconf.cgi is choose with pppoe-conf or ethernet-conf or ppp-conf# file pppoe-conf.cgiInm="Internet Configuration"Iac="Internet Address Configuration"Icc="Internet Connection Configuration"Ioc="On-Demand Connection"Iot="You can keep up the connection permanently or connect automatically on outbound traffic and close the connection after a period of inactivity"Ikc="Keep connection up all the time"Iuc="Use on-demand connection"Itm="On-demand timeout"Ius="Username"Ips="Password"Ids="DNS Server"Idn="Domain Name"# file ethernet-conf.cgiEcf="Edit Configuration File"Eia="Internet Address Configuration"Edc="DHCP Configuration"Esi="Static IP Configuration"Ema="Some areas require that you supply a hostname in order to obtain an IP address."Emb="If you have been supplied with a hostname for your computer, enter it here:"Edg="Default Gateway"Edn="Domain Name"Enc="Network Interface Card MAC Spoofing"Efn="Fake MAC address to be used"Euo="Use this option only if your ISP requires you use a specific MAC."Eed="Enable Coyote DNS Cache?"Ecd="Cache DNS requests to speed up name resolution."Eds="Enable Coyote DHCP Server?"Eha="Have Coyote supply IP addresses and network configuration for your LAN computers."Esa="Starting IP Address"Efs="First IP Address of DHCP range"Eei="Ending IP Address"Els="Last IP Address of DHCP range"Elt="Lease Time in Seconds"Ebl="If left blank, it will be 7200 (2 Hours)."Ecz="Configurations To Be Given to LAN Computers"Ert="Router"Ebk="If left blank, Coyote will be used as default router."Esn="Subnet"Esm="If left blank, Coyote Local Subnet will be used."Edm="Local Domain Name"Eso="If left blank, Coyote Local Domain name will be used."Esp="DNS Servers"Esr="If left blank Coyote will supply the same DNS servers it uses"Ess="or its own address if the DNS cache is enabled."Est="WINS Servers"Eba="Any WINS servers you have on your network"Ebc="Usually Windows NT or 2000 Servers"Ebd="DNS Configuration:"Ebe="Local Hosts"Ebf="DHCP Configuration:"Ebg="Current DHCP Leases and Reservations"#leases.cgiEga="Current DHCP Leases"Egb="DHCP Reservations"Egc="Add Reservation"Egd="Reservations List:"Ege="Add a New Reservation"Egf="Control Actions:"Egg="Reload DNS/DHCP Server"Egh="Edit DHCP Reservations file"Egi="Navigation:"Egj="Back to Main Configurations"Egk="DHCP Reservation"Egl="MAC Address"Egm="The MAC using format"Egn="You have to set a MAC or a Host name."Ego="IP Number"Egp="The IP number you want to lease to this host."Egq="If left blank the default lease time will be used."Egr="Any notes about this host."Egs="Your DHCP Reservation was changed successfuly."Egt="You have to Reload the DNS/DHCP server to apply the changes."Egu="Your DHCP Reservation was ADDED successfuly."Egv="Your DHCP Lease was DELETED successfuly."Egx="Your DHCP Reservation was DELETED successfuly."# file localhost.cgiLca="Local Hosts Configuration"Lcb="Full Qualified Host Name"Lcc="Local Host List:"Lcd="Add a New Host"Lce="Control Actions:"Lcf="Edit Local Hosts File"Lcg="New Local Host Configuration"Lch="The IP number used to access this host."Lci="The name you want to give this host."Lcj="Full Qualified Host Name"Lck="The host name with domain name."Lcl="Any notes about this host."Lcm="Your local host was changed successfuly."Lcn="Your local host was DELETED successfuly."# file adminconf.cgiBaa="Administrative Configurations"Bab="Time Zone"Bac="Remote Time Server"Bad="Remote Logging Host"Bae="Enable External PING Reply"Baf="Enable External SSH Access"Bag="SSH Port"Bah="Enable Web Administrator"Bai="Web Administrator Port"Baj="Language for Web Administrator"Bak="Personal"Bal="Default (English)"Bam="Disable NAT (Not Recommended)"# file portfw.cgiPaa="For an Auto forwarding rule, specify at least a Destination IP Address and Starting Port."Pab="For an Auto forwarding rule, specify at least a Destination IP Address and Protocol Number."Pac="Port Range: Starting Port must be less than Ending Port."Pad="For a Port forwarding rule you must specify at least an Internal IP."Pae="For DNS option you must specify a Protocol, Internet Port, and Destination Port."Paf="Rule was added without DNS option!"Pag="You must specify a Destination IP Address."Pah="Port Forwarding Rules Configuration"Pai="Active"Paj="Protocol"Pak="ExternalIP"Pal="ExternalPort(s)"Pam="InternalIP"Pan="InternalPort(s)"Pao="LocalAccess"Pap="Create a new forward:"Paq="Single Port"Par="Range of Ports"Pas="Pre-Configured Services"Pat="Control Actions:"Pau="Reload Firewall"Pav="Edit Configuration File"Pax="Forward a Single Port"Pay="Forward a Range of Ports"Paz="Active ?"Pba="Enable/Disable this rule without deleting it."Pbb="Protocol"Pbc="You must choose the protocol the service uses (usually: tcp)."Pbd="Internal IP Address"Pbe="IP address of internal computer running this service."Pbf="Internal Port Number"Pbg="Port number of this service on internal computer."Pbh="External IP Address"Pbi="Use this field only if you have more than one static external IP."Pbj="If left blank, the rule will apply to all external IPs."Pbk="External Port Number"Pbl="The port number you want external users to access."Pbm="If left blank, it will use the same port number as the server itself."Pbn="You must choose the protocol or protocol number the service uses."Pbo="Internal computer IP number where your service is running."Pbp="Starting Port Number"Pbq="The lowest port number of this service on internal computer."Pbr="Ending Port Number"Pbs="The highest port number of this service on internal computer."Pbt="Enable LAN to use External IP ?"Pbu="Allow internal users to use your external IP or domain name to access the service."Pbv="This option does not expose you to any additional risk."Pbx="Any notes about this port-forwarding rule."Pby="Suggestion: Internal machine and service name"Pbw="e.g."Pbz="Wizard for Pre-Configured Services"Pca="Server Type"Pcb="Common services on your LAN to which you can give external access."Pcc="Web Server"Pcd="Secure Web Server"Pce="File Transfer"Pcf="Check e-mail"Pcg="Receive e-mail"Pch="Check/manage e-mail"Pci="Name Server"Pcj="Needed sometimes for IRC clients"Pck="Remote control"Pcl="Computer 1"Pcm="Computer 2"Pcn="Your forwarding rule was changed successfuly."Pco="You have to Reload Firewall to apply the changes."Pcp="Your forwarding rule was DELETED successfuly."# file firewall.cgiPda="You must inform a IP, Host Name or MAC as Source Address."Pdb="You must inform a IP or MAC as Destination Address."Pdc="Port Range: Starting Port must be less than Ending Port."Pdd="Firewall Rules Configuration"Pde="Create a new rule:"Pdf="Admin"Pdg="Access"Pdh="Edit Custom Firewall Rules"Pdi="Admin Rule Configuration"Pdj="Access Rule Configuration"Pdk="You must choose a rule or custom target."Pdl="Source Address or Network"Pdm="Computer address or network where the connection is coming from."Pdn="If you choose IP, Host Name or Mac informe it here else leave this blank."Pdo="Destination Address or Network"Pdp="Computer address or network where the connection is going to."Pdq="If you choose IP, Host Name or Mac informe it here else leave this blank."Pdr="The lowest port number of this service."Pds="The highest port number of this service."Pdt="Any notes about this firewall rule."Pdu="Suggestion: Machine and service name"Pdv="Common services on your network to which you can give access."Pdw="FROM: IP Address or Network"Pdx="IP Address of computer originating this connection."Pdy="TO: IP Address or Network"Pdz="IP Address of computer running this service."# file qos.cgiPea="QOS Init Configuration"Peb="QOS init type"Pec="QOS Disabled"Ped="Coyote init scripts (default config)"Pee="Coyote init scripts (manual class config)"Pef="Wonder-shaper init scripts"Peg="Real Downstream capacity"Peh="Real Upstream capacity"Pei="Coyote QOS-Init scripts configuration"Pej="Direct router"Pek="inet class reserved bandwidth"Pel="Priority classes reserved bandwidth"Pem="How much bandwidth available for the class is reserved for different priority subclasses."Pen="For QOS to work properly, all classes must be 100% together."Peo="High priority"Pep="Together must be 100%"Peq="Normal priority"Per="Low priority"Pes="Burst settings"Pet="How much data can be transfered before applying bandwidth limits, must be higher than MTU."Peu="Fast burst"Pev="Normal burst"Pew="Slow burst"Pex="Individual Classes Rate"Pey="How much bandwidth to reserve for each class by default."Pez="Individual Upload Rate"Pfa="Individual Download Rate"Pfb="Default classes settings"Pfc="How much bandwidth to reserve for classes, where IP-unclassified traffic ends."Pfd="Upstream junk"Pfe="Downstream junk"Pff="QOS Configurations:"Pfg="QOS Filters"Pfh="QOS Classes"Pfi="Reload QOS"Pfj="Show QOS Status"Pfk="Back to the configuration"Pfl="* Priority classes are not 100% together."Pfm="* No priority class can have 0% bandwidth defined."Pfn="* Some of priority classes bandwidth reservation not define, these setting were not saved."Pfo="* Direct fw"Pfp="inet class not within its limits."Pfq="* Default upstream class not within its limits."Pfr="* Default downstream class not within its limits."Pfs="You need to restart QOS for the changes to take effect."Pft="You have changed QOS init type, please save configuration and reboot router for changes to take effect."#file qosfilter.cgiPfu="QOS Filter Rules Configuration"Pfv="Remote port"Pfw="Port mask"Pfx="And/Or"Pfy="Local port"Pfz="QOS filter rule"Pga="Create a new rule:"Pgb="Edit Filter Rules File"Pgc="Back to QOS Main Configurations"Pgd="Target QOS Priority class"Pge="Choose destination class priority."Pgf="Protocol"Pgg="Protocol or protocol number the filter applies to (default any)"Pgh="Remote port"Pgi="IP port on remote computer (default any)"Pgj="Remote U32 port mask"Pgk="U32 filter bitmask for remote port"Pgl="Single port"Pgm="ports"Pgn="Logical Port Comparison"Pgo="What ports must match the rule."Pgp="Specify Both if you are making protocol only definition!"Pgq="Both ports must match"Pgr="At least one of ports must match"Pgs="IP port on local computers (default any)"Pgt="Local U32 port mask"Pgu="U32 Bitmask for local port"Pgv="Any notes about this QOS filter rule."Pgw="Your QOS filter rule was changed successfuly."Pgx="Your QOS filter rule was DELETED successfuly."#file qosclasses.cgiPha="Individual Download"Phb="Individual Upload"Phc="Total Download"Phd="Total Upload"Phe="QOS Classes Configuration"Phf="Class Type"Phg="Parent Class ID"Phh="Class ID"Phi="Download Rate"Phj="Download Ceil"Phk="Upload Rate"Phl="Upload Ceil"Phm="Match IP or Network"Phn="Edit Classes File"Pho="Choose FILTERED to create a HTB class with full QOS support each one with 3 subclasses to Hign/Normal/Low priority"Phq="or Choose SIMPLE to create a SFQ leaf class without filtering."Phr="Filtered"Phs="Simple"Pht="You must set a valid Class ID to be the parent of this class."Phu="The Class ID for this class."Phv="Inform how much bandwidth you want to reserve to this class in kbits/s"Phw="or choose INDIVIDUAL/TOTAL to let coyote calculate it."Phx="Individual Download"Phy="Total Download"Phz="Inform the maximum bandwidth you will allow this class to use in kbits/s"Pia="IP or Network"Pib="Inform the Download Rate you want to reserve to this class"Pic="Create a new Class:"Pid="Control Actions:"Pie="Informe the IP Address to use this class."Pif="Any notes about this QOS class."Pig="Your QOS class was changed successfuly."Pih="You need to reload QOS to apply the changes."Pij="Your QOS class was deleted successfuly."#file qosstatus.cgiPik="QOS Status"Pil="Init scripts:"Pim="High priority bandwidth percentage? :"Pin="Normal priority bandwidth percentage :"Pio="Low priority bandwidth percentage??:"Pip="Direct fw->inet class percentage?? :"Piq="Bandwidth reserved for default downstream class :"Pir="Bandwidth reserved for default upstream class? :"Pis="Transffered data statistics"Pit="Upstream QOS priority classes"Piu="Low priority"Piw="Normal priority"Piv="High priority"Pix="Downstream QOS priority classes"Piy="Special Upstream classes"Piz="Direct router->inet data"Pza="Unclassified data"Pzb="Special Downstream classes"Pzc="Direct router->localnet data"Pzd="Current Downstream traffic control classes"Pze="Current Upstream traffic control classes"Pzf="Only aplicable for Coyote QOS init scripts."# file chpasswd.cgiCaa="You can not specify a blank password. System password has not been updated."Cab="Passwords do not match.?System password has not been updated."#file editconf.cgiPja="The follow was written to"Pjb="Configuration File"Pjc="Name of file to edit:"Pjd="Coyote Main Configuration File"Pje="Port Forwarding Configuration"Pjf="Firewall Configuration"Pjg="Firewall Custom Rules"Pjh="Local Hosts"Pji="DHCP Reservations"Pjj="DHCP Current Leases"Pjk="QOS Filters"Pjl="QOS Classes"Pjm="QOS Config File"Pjn="PPP Options"Pjo="PPP ISP Chat"Pjp="PPP Peer Configuration"Pjq="PPP PAP Secrets"Pjr="PPP CHAP Secrets"Pjt="Edit Any File"#file diags.cgiPka="Read The System Log"Pkb="Show Coyote Configuration"Pkc="Running Process"Pkd="Name Server Lookup"Pke="Network Intefaces Status"Pkf="DNS Test"Pkg="Gateway Test"Pkh="Active Firewall Rules"Pki="Kernel Boot Messages"Pkj="Loaded Modules"Pkk="Routing Table"Pkl="Memory Usage"Pkm="Memory Filesystem Free Space"#file ppp-conf.cgiPla="PPP Internet Connection Configuration"Plb="On-Demand Connection"Plc="You can keep up the connection permanently"Pld="or connect automatically on outbound traffic and close the connection after a period of inactivity"Ple="Keep connection up all the time"Plf="Use on-demand connection"Plg="On-demand timeout:"Plh="Seconds"Pli="Modem Device"Plj="Choose the serial port used to access your modem."Plk="Serial Port Speed"Plm="Must be equal or greater than your modem speed."Pln="Modem Init String"Plo="Try to use the strings:"Plp="or"Plq="as they work with most modem models."Plr="Phone Number"Pls="The number of your ISP."Plt="The Username of your ISP account."Plu="The Password of your ISP account."Plw="Make Login During Chat?"Plv="Set Yes only if your isp doen't support normal chap or pap authentication."Plx="not recommended"Ply="Inform the primary DNS server if your ISP provided a fixed one or leave blank to get one during connection."Plz="Inform the secondary DNS server if your ISP provided a fixed one or leave blank to get one during connection."Pma="Inform your Domain Name if your ISP requires it."Pmb="Did your ISP assign you a static IP ADDRESS?"Pmc="If you will use Static IP enter the ISP assigned Address else enter a Local address to the PPP interface."Pmd="Static IP"Pme="ISP Static IP:"Pmf="Dynamic IP"Pmg="Local Remote IP:"Pmh="Warning: You should specify a valid username and password for your ISP."Pmi="Coyote probably will not be able to log on to your ISP without them."Pmj="Warning: You should specify the phone number for your ISP."Pmk="Coyote can not dial-up your ISP without it."Pml="Warning: You should specify the device your modem is connected to (eg ttyS0 for com1)."Pmm="Coyote can not communicate unless you specify where the modem is."Pmn="Warning: LOCALREMOTE address is blank, coyote will not work in this condition"Pmo="allocate it an address on your LAN via the Internet Configuration page"Pmp="Warning: LOCALREMOTE address is no longer on same LAN"Pmq="re-enter it on Internet Configuration page or change LAN Configuration and DHCP Configuration to match."
 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-16 14:34:47 | 显示全部楼层

# Language File for Coyote Linux Web Administrator# English - United States## MPG - www.mpg.com.br/coyote/ - mpg@mpg.com.br# Claudio Roberto Cussuol - claudio_cl@rictec.com.br## Last Changes:# 09/12/2004 - Coyote Version 2.13##Aways use 3 characters to the LANGUAGE_CODE#Do not use accented characters on the LANGUAGE_NAMELANGUAGE_CODE="ENU"NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"
以上内容除了 LANGUAGE_CODE="ENU" 中的 ENU 改成 CHN 外,其他不要动。全部完成后,论坛会提供完整的image文件。建议大家按段修改,修改后的内容帖到这里。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-16 14:57:27 | 显示全部楼层
# file index.cgiAgi="标准信息"Avs="版本"Ahs="主机名"Adn="域名"Ans="网络状态"Ani="Internet"Ast="状态"Ait="Internet 类型"Aei="外部 IP 地址"Afs="第一"And="第二"Ard="第三"Anm="掩码"Agt="网关"Acs="连接建立自"Act="Connect String"Aln="本地网络"Ali="本地IP地址"Abc="广播地址"Adz="非军事区"Aip="IP地址"Adi="DNS 信息"Apn="主要DNS服务器"Asn="备用DNS服务器"Atn="第三DNS服务器"Asv="服务"Adc="DNS 缓存"Ads="DHCP 服务器"Ass="SSH 服务"Awa="Web 管理"Asi="系统信息"Akv="核心版本"Amc="硬件"Adt="当前日期和时间"Aup="运行时间"Ala="平均负荷"Als="最后"Amn="分钟"Amu="内存使用"Aus="使用中"Afr="空闲"Abb="最后1分钟"Abd="合计"Abe="端口"Abf="网关测试"Abg="DNS 测试"Abh="释放 IP"Abi="更新 IP"Abj="允许"Abk="禁止"Abl="Internal Only"Abm="启用"Abn="未启用"Abo="准备好"Abp="PPP (拨号)"Abq="PPPoE (DSL)"Abr="Ethernet (固定 IP)"Abs="Ethernet (DHCP 指派 IP)"

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-16 15:20:04 | 显示全部楼层
大家一起来哦。cache : 缓存1st : 第一2nd : 第二2rd : 第三老大,能翻译的都翻译了吧。Connected Since :连接建立自                   (后面跟的是连接建立的时间)Demilitarized Zone :DMZ 或者 非军事区Connect String : 还不知道怎么回事呢,大家找找。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-16 15:59:20 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-16 16:24:33 | 显示全部楼层

# localhost.cgi 文件 Lca="本地主机配置"Lcb="全称主机名"Lcc="本地主机列表:"Lcd="添加新的主机"Lce="控制动作:"Lcf="编辑本地主机文件"Lcg="新的本地主机配置"Lch="用于访问该主机的 IP。"Lci="预给定的主机名。"Lcj="全称主机名"Lck="带域名的主机名。"Lcl="关于该主机的注释。"Lcm="本地主机修改成功。"Lcn="本地主机删除成功。"

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-16 16:49:08 | 显示全部楼层
#file ppp-conf.cgi文件Pla="PPP 因特网连接设置Plb="连接请求Plc="永久的连接保持Pld="断线之后自动重新连接Ple="持续发送连接Plf="请求使用连接Plg="请求浏览程序Plh="秒Pli="Modem(调制解调器)驱动"Plj="请选择用来访问你的modem(调制解调器)的连续端口."Plk="连续的端口速度"Plm="相等或者比你的modem(调制解调器)速度大."Pln="Modem(调制解调器) init连线Plo="试试使用连线:"Plp="或者Plq="因为他们有大多数的modem(调制解调器)models(模型)"Plr="电话号码"Pls="你的ISP数量"Plt="The Username of your ISP account(设置你的ISP用户名)"Plu="The Password of your ISP account(设置你的ISP密码)"Plw="编译你的聊天注册号吗?"Plv="请确定你的isp支持正常的身份验证."Plx="不建议Ply="通知主DNS服务器是否你的ISP提供了固定的或留下了空白的连接Plz="通知辅DNS服务器是否你的ISP提供了固定的或留下了空白的连接Pma="如果你的ISP需要域名,请通知它Pmb="你的ISP把静态的IP地址分配给你了吗?"Pmc="如果你使用的是静态的IP,请输入你的ISP给你分配的本地PPP接口地址Pmd="Static (静态) IP"Pme="ISP Static (静态) IP:"Pmf="Dynamic (动态) IP"Pmg="Local Remote IP:"Pmh="警告: 你应该为你的ISP连接设置一个有效的用户名和口令Pmi="Coyote或许不能找到你的ISP申请记录。"Pmj="警告: 你应该为你的电话号码指定一个ISP "Pmk="Coyote没有拨号给你的ISP"Pml="警告: 你应该指定设备在你的modem(调制解调器)连接(例如com1的ttyS0)。 "Pmm="coyote无法跟modem(调制解调器)取得通信,请检查你的modem"Pmn="警告: localremote 地址是空白的,coyote将不能在这种状态下工作"Pmo="内部局域网地址分配设置"Pmp="警告: localremote 地址不能够在相同的局域网络里设置 Pmq="在进入因特网前设置你的局域网络还有你的DHCP连接设置

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-16 18:25:20 | 显示全部楼层
# file lanconf.cgiLyf="LAN 配置"Lym="你必须指定一个IP地址和掩码."Lyn="LAN 配置已经被更新."Lpi="主 IP 地址"Lpj="次 IP 地址"Lpk="第三IP地址"

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-16 23:25:09 | 显示全部楼层
# file chpasswd.cgiCaa="不能设置一个空白的口令,系统口令没有更新!"Cab="口令不匹配.?系统口令没有更新!."#file editconf.cgiPja="The follow was written to"Pjb="配置文件"Pjc="要编辑的文件名:"Pjd="Coyote主配置文件"Pje="端口转发配置"Pjf="防火墙配置"Pjg="定制防火墙规则"Pjh="本地主机"Pji="DHCP 保留"Pjj="DHCP 当前分配"Pjk="QOS 过滤"Pjl="QOS 分类"Pjm="QOS 配置文件"Pjn="PPP 选项"Pjo="PPP ISP Chat"Pjp="PPP Peer Configuration"Pjq="PPP PAP Secrets"Pjr="PPP CHAP Secrets"Pjt="编辑任意文件"#file diags.cgiPka="阅读系统日志"Pkb="查看Coyote 配置"Pkc="当前运行进程"Pkd="查找域名服务器"Pke="网卡状态"Pkf="DNS测试"Pkg="网关测试"Pkh="已应用的防火墙规则"Pki="系统核心启动信息"Pkj="加载的模块"Pkk="路由表"Pkl="内存使用"Pkm="内存文件系统剩余空间"

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-17 00:00:55 | 显示全部楼层
老大,QOS 中 的 ceil 究竟怎么翻译为好? 大部分我都翻译完了,除了QOS部分。另外:希望论坛的朋友对你认为翻译不当的地方提出意见,毕竟这个文件署名为我们论坛制作。建议:译文中尽可能去掉 “你”,别完全直译,看着别扭哦。自己感觉下。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-11-17 00:13:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-17 00:23:56 | 显示全部楼层
看词性吧,如果有动词的意思就翻译成 设置。不然就翻译成 配置 吧。还有个问题,image.img文件制作完成后,究竟是默认为英文界面好,还是中文界面好?需要修改 web-functions 文件中的:

# Function Include File for Coyote Linux Web Administrator. /etc/coyote/coyote.conf. /var/http/webadmin.enu  # Load the default language file (English)# Include an aditional language files if there is one[ -r /var/language/language ] && . /var/language/language

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-17 00:29:25 | 显示全部楼层
outbound 怎么翻译比较好?还有 ceil 。头疼了。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-17 00:44:21 | 显示全部楼层
# Coyote Linux Web 管理器的语言文件 # Chinese - 中国大陆## 中文语言文件译自 webadmin.enu 文件# # 软件路由器论坛 www.routerclub.com##  # 汉化者,email 地址# # # 最后修改日期:# 09/12/2004 - Coyote 版本 2.13##LANGUAGE_CODE 必须是三个字符#LANGUAGE_NAME 中不要使用重音符号LANGUAGE_CODE="CHN"NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"

NATIVE_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"ENGLISH_LANGUAGE_NAME="English - United States"

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-17 00:54:23 | 显示全部楼层
# 警告Wta="警告:配置已经改变,但尚未备份。"Wtb="警告:配置已经备份,但系统尚未重新启动。"Wtc="需要备份配置并重新启动,以便使改动生效。"Wtd="警告:配置已经改变"Wsi="需要保存!"Wte="注意!"Wtf="不使用自动备份"Wtg="使用自动备份"Wth="错误:必须指定至少一个起始和结束 IP 地址。"Wti="警告:DHCP 地址范围不属于同一 LAN"Wtj="either correct it on DHCP config page or"Wtk="改动 LAN 配置,然后备份配置并 重新启动 系统。"Wtl="需要备份配置以保存改动。"Wak="What action do you need?"Wop="可选的"Wed="和"Wnt="网络"Wsc="秒"Wsv="改动已经写入 Coyote Linux 配置文件。"Wsp="设置系统密码"Wcp="改变系统密码"Wnp="新的密码"Wsu="系统密码已更新"Wbs="系统备份"Wsb="开始备份配置"Wrb="重新启动中"Wro="重新启动"Wpo="关机"Wqo="重新启动"Wso="关机"Wba="Coyote Linux 可选配置已经更新。"Wqa="在重新启动之前,不要忘记保存配置!"# 该命令用于重新启动系统,不是清除Wto="Reset"

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