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dnsmasq新版本支持的新功能:dhcpv6 ip分配

热度 1已有 4429 次阅读2014-1-19 19:48 | 服务器, 网卡

# 通过这个参数,dnsmasq在查询10.1.2.3这个dns服务器时,强制通过eth1路由出去。

# and this sets the source (ie local) address used to talk to
# to port 55 (there must be a interface with that
# IP on the machine, obviously).
# server=

# Enable DHCPv6. Note that the prefix-length does not need to be specified
# and defaults to 64 if missing/
#dhcp-range=1234::2, 1234::500, 64, 12h

# Do Router Advertisements, BUT NOT DHCP for this subnet.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-only

# Do Router Advertisements, BUT NOT DHCP for this subnet, also try and
# add names to the DNS for the IPv6 address of SLAAC-configured dual-stack
# hosts. Use the DHCPv4 lease to derive the name, network segment and
# MAC address and assume that the host will also have an
# IPv6 address calculated using the SLAAC alogrithm.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-names

# Do Router Advertisements, BUT NOT DHCP for this subnet.
# Set the lifetime to 46 hours. (Note: minimum lifetime is 2 hours.)
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-only, 48h

# Do DHCP and Router Advertisements for this subnet. Set the A bit in the RA
# so that clients can use SLAAC addresses as well as DHCP ones.
#dhcp-range=1234::2, 1234::500, slaac

# Do Router Advertisements and stateless DHCP for this subnet. Clients will
# not get addresses from DHCP, but they will get other configuration information.
# They will use SLAAC for addresses.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-stateless

# Do stateless DHCP, SLAAC, and generate DNS names for SLAAC addresses
# from DHCPv4 leases.
#dhcp-range=1234::, ra-stateless, ra-names






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