发表于 2004-12-31 13:44:27
Software There are a number of linux applications available for driving the keyboard LEDs. A number of these are listed below, but please let me know if there are others. ifled A small application which uses the keyboard LEDs to indicate various status information about network traffic on any network interface. sifled Based on ifled, this application provides some extensions specifically for indicating additional information on a Smoothwall firewall, namely the status of the internet connection (ie, the status of Smoothwall's red interface). tleds A small linux application which uses the NumLock LED to indicate incoming traffic and the ScrollLock LED to indicate outbound traffic on a specified network interface. ixbiff A small linux application which can flash the keyboard LEDs in a user-defined way when new mail is received. It supports the standard unix mbox format, as well as the qmail Maildir format. I use four LEDs (3 keyboard LEDs plus the additional power LED) to show the following information for my Smoothwall server, using sifled to drive the LEDs: green LED: power on red LED: internet connection (ie, red interface) is up orange LED: internet interface is transmitting orange LED: internet interface is receiving
下载地址分别在:http://martybugs.net/electronics/kbdleds.cgihttp://martybugs.net/smoothwall/leds.cgihttp://www.hut.fi/~jlohikos/public/tleds-1.05beta10.tgzhttp://linuxberg.ii.net/files/console/netw...fled-0.6.tar.gz |