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[硬件] 大伙帮忙给改下下设置

发表于 2012-3-8 11:48:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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从网上淘了个交换机 3COM 17300 4226T 支持VLAN
自己设置的VLAN 不知对不对,把配置贴出来,大家给指点一下,就是想用ros 多ADSL拨号,
1-24 接  ADSL   25  接ROS wan 口,

#<description>IP address, 3Com SuperStack 3</description>

# WARNING: This file is automatically generated and follows specific
# command ordering rules.  Users may add or alter commands in this file
# but must do so with caution as it may affect the ability to restore the
# configuration of the device.
# The following items are not automatically saved by the system to avoid
# breaches of security and to avoid disconnection during restore
# operations:-
# - User details (including Password, SSH keys*, SNMP community strings)
# - Device management IP address and VLAN*
# - SSH user authentication method*
# - radius Shared Secret*
# - RIP password*
# - OSPF password*
#  (* applicable to certain products only)
# If commands to configure these items are to be added please add them to
# the end of the file.

# Unit Number                : 1
# Description                : Switch 4200
# Product Number        : 3C17300
# MAC Address                : 00:0a:04:b8:8c:c0
# Serial Number                : 7Y1V1M7B88CC0
# Software Version        : 2.50
# Hardware Version        : 01.01.00

bridge spanningTree stpState enable
bridge port lacpState 1:25-1:26 disable
bridge linkAggregation modify partnerID 1 0x8000 none
bridge linkAggregation modify partnerID 2 0x8000 none
bridge linkAggregation modify partnerID 3 0x8000 none
bridge linkAggregation modify partnerID 4 0x8000 none

bridge port stpCost 1:1-1:26,AL1-AL4 auto
bridge port linkTrap 1:1-1:26 enable
bridge port linkTrap AL1-AL4 disable
bridge port stpFastStart 1:1-1:24 auto
bridge port stpFastStart 1:25-1:26 disable
bridge port stpFastStart AL1-AL4 disable

physicalInterface ethernet flowControl 1:1-1:26 on
physicalInterface ethernet portMode 1:1-1:26 enable 100half
physicalInterface ethernet portState 1:1-1:26 enable
physicalInterface ethernet smartAutoSense enable

bridge vlan create 2 "vlan 2"
bridge vlan create 3 "vlan 3"
bridge vlan create 4 "vlan 4"
bridge vlan create 5 "vlan 5"
bridge vlan create 6 "vlan 6"
bridge vlan create 7 "vlan 7"
bridge vlan create 8 "vlan 8"
bridge vlan create 9 "vlan 9"
bridge vlan create 10 "vlan 10"
bridge vlan create 11 "vlan 11"
bridge vlan create 12 "vlan 12"
bridge vlan create 13 "vlan 13"
bridge vlan create 14 "vlan 14"
bridge vlan create 15 "vlan 15"
bridge vlan create 16 "vlan 16"
bridge vlan create 17 "vlan 17"
bridge vlan create 18 "vlan 18"
bridge vlan create 19 "vlan 19"
bridge vlan create 20 "vlan 20"
bridge vlan create 21 "vlan 21"
bridge vlan create 22 "vlan 22"
bridge vlan create 23 "vlan 23"
bridge vlan create 24 "vlan 24"
bridge vlan create 25 "vlan 25"

bridge vlan modify removePort 1 1:1-1:24
bridge vlan modify addPort 2 1:1 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 3 1:2 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 4 1:3 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 5 1:4 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 6 1:5 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 7 1:6 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 8 1:7 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 9 1:8 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 10 1:9 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 11 1:10 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 12 1:11 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 13 1:12 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 14 1:13 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 15 1:14 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 16 1:15 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 17 1:16 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 18 1:17 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 19 1:18 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 20 1:19 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 21 1:20 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 22 1:21 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 23 1:22 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 24 1:23 untagged
bridge vlan modify addPort 25 1:24 untagged

bridge addressDatabase agingTime 300

bridge linkAggregation modify linkState 1 enable
bridge linkAggregation modify linkState 2 enable
bridge linkAggregation modify linkState 3 enable
bridge linkAggregation modify linkState 4 enable
bridge port lacpState 1:25-1:26 disable

bridge spanningTree stpVersion 2
bridge spanningTree stpDefaultPathCost 1
bridge spanningTree stpPriority 32768
bridge spanningTree stpHelloTime 2
bridge spanningTree stpMaxAge 20
bridge spanningTree stpForwardDelay 15
bridge spanningTree stpState enable

bridge multicastFilter igmp queryMode disable
bridge multicastFilter igmp snoopMode enable
bridge multicastFilter igmp modify fastLeave disable

bridge multicastFilter routerPort autoDiscovery enable

bridge broadcastStormCtrl enable 3000



security device access modify monitor enable enable enable enable
security device access modify manager enable enable enable enable
security device access modify security enable enable enable enable

security network access systemMode enable
security network access portSecurity 1:1-1:26 noSecurity   1   noAction  

system management name ""
system management location ""
system management contact ""
system management remoteAccess enable



system management monitor modify systemDevice off none none
system management monitor modify port 1:1-1:26 off none none

trafficManagement qos classifier modify 3 "3Com NBX Voice-IP"  46
trafficManagement qos classifier modify 7 "Internetwork Control"  48
trafficManagement qos classifier modify 8 "Network Control"  56

trafficManagement qos profile modify 1 "No Classifiers"
trafficManagement qos profile modify 2 "Default"
trafficManagement qos profile addClassifier 2 3 5
trafficManagement qos profile addClassifier 2 7 6
trafficManagement qos profile addClassifier 2 8 7
trafficManagement qos profile assign 1:1-1:26 2
trafficManagement qos trafficQueue holProtection QOS yes

# End of automatically generated configuration.
# You can enter further commands, if they are supported on the product, after these comments:
# Note: If you restore RADIUS configuration you can add the shared secret below.
#       You can also change the authentication mode to RADIUS with the following
#       command:
#  security device authentication systemMode RADIUS yes yes
# Examples:
#  physical ethernet portCapabilities 1:1 10h
#  protocol ip basicConfig manual
#  protocol ip rip authentication password "my rip password" "my rip password"
#  security device user create "my name" monitor "my password" "my password" "my community"
#  security device user modify admin "secret" "secret" "private"
#  security radius sharedSecret "this is my shared secret"
#  system management snmp community "private" "manager" "public"

#----------------- End of configuration file ------------------
 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-8 11:49:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2012-3-8 12:24:39 | 显示全部楼层
给个3com 4400的


5.77 MB, 下载次数: 7


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-3-28 07:54:34 | 显示全部楼层

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