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[ 推荐 ] 一款处于开发初期的防火墙脚本。

发表于 2007-6-8 18:23:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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klondike-firewall  :Stateful netfilter/iptables packet-filtering firewall bash scripts

yukondude 从 2001 年开始在自己的 Linux 路由器和独立服务器上的使用的脚本。应该是从 google code 开始之后才有的这个项目计划。作者自称自己的路由器和独立服务器没有受到过攻击,有点自大了 (运气好了点而已)
在我发布这个主题的时候,作者刚刚发布0.8 版本 才几个小时,也是第一个作者认为真正可用的版本。这个版本文件名似乎有问题,可能需要将 8 改成 tar。


我只是大致看了下脚本内容,没有检查过(历来如此:L )。看起来结构比较清晰。


  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ################################################################################
  3. # klondike-router
  4. # A shell script to configure stateful packet-filter rules for a netfilter/
  5. # iptables routing firewall.
  6. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # chkconfig: 35 11 89
  8. # description: Configuration rules for stateful packet-filter iptables firewall.
  9. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. # This script must run after the main iptables rc script (usually,
  11. # /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables) and should also run after the main networking rc
  12. # script (usually /etc/rc.d/init.d/network). For safety's sake, the main
  13. # iptables script should run before networking starts, and should set the
  14. # default policy for all built-in chains to DROP.
  15. #
  16. # Replace all items marked "TODO" with your own network values. The existing
  17. # rules assume a private class-C LAN, so you'll have to adjust as necessary.
  18. # Of course, you'll also have to set up your own rules.
  19. #
  20. # LAN: Private network behind router.
  21. # NET: Public network.
  22. #   
  23. # The default setup (once proper IP addresses are in place) configures a routing
  24. # firewall that forwards incoming HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, and SSH traffic from NET to
  25. # a server on the private LAN. The routing server also acts as a DNS proxy and
  26. # NTP time server to clients on the LAN. The routing server may also initiate
  27. # HTTP, RSYNC, and Passive FTP requests to the NET.
  28. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. # By Dave Rogers [thedude strudel yukondude full-stop com]
  30. # yukon dude software [www.yukondude.com]
  31. # Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada
  32. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. # Copyright ?2002-2007 Dave Rogers
  34. #
  35. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  36. # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  37. # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  38. # (at your option) any later version.
  39. #
  40. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  41. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  43. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  44. #
  45. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  46. # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  47. # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
  48. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  49. # Inspired by:
  50. # Netfilter by Paul "Rusty" Russell
  51. #   [www.netfilter.org]
  52. # Iptables Tutorial by Oskar Andreasson
  53. #   [iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/iptables-tutorial.html]
  54. # Connection Tracking by James C. Stephens
  55. #   [www.sns.ias.edu/~jns/wp/2006/01/24/iptables-how-does-it-work]
  56. # Linux IP Masquerade HOWTO by David A. Ranch
  57. #   [www.tldp.org/HOWTO/IP-Masquerade-HOWTO]
  58. # Firewall Ruleset by vogt@hansenet.com
  59. #   [link no longer valid]
  60. # Redundant Internet Connections Using Linux by Seann Herdejurgen
  61. #   [www.samag.com/documents/s=1824/sam0201h/0201h.htm]
  62. # rc.firewall.iptables.dual version 1.2b3 by obsid@sentry.net
  63. #   [www.sentry.net/~obsid/IPTables/rc.scripts.dir/current/ \
  64. #   rc.firewall.iptables.dual]
  65. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  66. # $Id: klondike-router.sh 2 2007-05-25 22:32:22Z yukondude $
  67. ################################################################################
  68. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. # Dependency Checks
  70. # Bail if iptables isn't in the path.
  71. if [ -z $(which iptables 2>/dev/null) ]; then
  72.   echo -n "$0 is unable to load the firewall rules: "
  73.   echo "the iptables utility is not in the path."
  74.   exit 1
  75. fi
  76. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  77. # Network Interfaces
  78. # TODO: Change interfaces.
  79. IFACE_LAN="eth1" # LAN-facing interface
  80. IFACE_NET="eth0" # NET-facing interface
  81. IFACE_LOC="lo" # Loopback
  82. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. # Host and Network IP Addresses
  84. # TODO: Change LAN-facing addresses.
  85. IPADDR_LAN="" # LAN-facing NIC IP
  86. IPNETW_LAN="" # LAN-facing network
  87. IPBCAST_LAN="" # LAN-facing broadcast IP
  88. # TODO: Change NET-facing addresses.
  89. IPADDR_NET="" # NET-facing NIC IP
  90. IPNETW_NET="! ${IPNETW_LAN}" # NET-facing network (essentially, everything else)
  91. IPBCAST_NET="" # NET-facing broadcast IP
  92. IPNETW_LOC=""
  93. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. # Private and Reserved Network IP Addresses
  95. # TODO: Change if you don't use a private class-C LAN.
  96. PRIVATE="" # Impossible IPs.
  97. PRIVATE_LAN="" # Possible LAN-facing IPs.
  98. # Addresses reserved by IANA (subject to change, so I just picked the outliers).
  99. #   [http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space]
  100. RESERVED=""
  101. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  102. # Known Remote Host IP Addresses
  103. # TODO: Change DNS server addresses.
  104. DNS_NET_1=""
  105. DNS_NET_2=""
  106. # TODO: Add any other fixed IPs of interest.
  107. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. # Known IP Protocols (other than TCP, UDP, ICMP)
  109. IPPROT_IGMP="2"
  110. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. # ICMP Message Types
  112. ICMP_PONG="0"
  114. ICMP_PING="8"
  117. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. # Known TCP and UDP Ports and Port Ranges
  119. # TODO: Add/remove ports as necessary.
  120. PORT_FTP="21"
  121. PORT_FTP_CMD="21"
  122. PORT_FTP_DATA="20"
  123. PORT_SSH="22"
  124. PORT_TELNET="23"
  125. PORT_SMTP="25"
  126. PORT_DNS="53"
  127. PORT_HTTP="80"
  128. PORT_POP="110"
  129. PORT_AUTH="113"
  130. PORT_NTP="123"
  131. PORT_MSRPC="135"
  132. PORT_MSNBNS="137"
  133. PORT_MSNBDG="138"
  134. PORT_MSNBSSN="139"
  135. PORT_HTTPS="443"
  136. PORT_MSDS="445"
  137. PORT_RSYNC="873"
  138. PORTS_TRACEROUTE="32769:65535"
  139. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  140. # Internal Port-Forwarded Service Addresses
  141. # TODO: Add/remove port-forwarded IPs as necessary.
  142. HTTP_LAN=""
  143. HTTPS_LAN=""
  144. SMTP_LAN=""
  145. SSH_LAN=""
  146. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. # Privileged and Unprivileged Port Ranges
  148. PORTS_PRIV="0:1023"
  149. PORTS_UNPRIV="1024:65535"
  150. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. # Log Levels for Target Chains
  152. LOG_LEVEL_ATTACK="3"  # err
  153. LOG_LEVEL_ILLEGAL="4" # warning
  154. LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN="4" # warning
  155. LOG_LEVEL_FLOOD="5"   # notice
  156. LOG_LEVEL_SCAN="5"    # notice
  157. LOG_LEVEL_WATCH="6"   # info
  158. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. # Configure Kernel Networking Parameters
  160. # See www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Adv-Routing-HOWTO-13.html for further explanation.
  161. config_kernel() {
  162.   # Load necessary kernel modules. Most are loaded automatically, but
  163.   # ip_conntrack_ftp and ip_nat_ftp must be loaded explicitly to enable FTP
  164.   # connection tracking, and FTP SNAT, respectively.
  165.   modprobe ip_conntrack_ftp
  166.   modprobe ip_nat_ftp
  167.   # Set the maximum number of connections to track if not already > 4096.
  168.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max ]; then
  169.     if [ $(cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max) -le 4096 ]; then
  170.       echo "4096" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_conntrack_max
  171.     fi
  172.   fi
  173.   # Set local port range for TCP/UDP connections.
  174.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range ]; then
  175.     echo -e "32768\t61000" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
  176.   fi
  177.   # Disable source-routed packets.
  178.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_source_route ]; then
  179.     for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/accept_source_route; do
  180.       echo "0" > $i;
  181.     done
  182.   fi
  183.   # Enable reverse path filter to combat spoofing.
  184.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter ]; then
  185.     for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/rp_filter; do
  186.       echo "1" > $i;
  187.     done
  188.   fi
  189.   # Don't reply to smurf ping broadcasts.
  190.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts ]; then
  191.     echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts
  192.   fi
  193.   # Log spoofed, source-routed, or redirect packets.
  194.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians ]; then
  195.     echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians
  196.   fi
  197.   # Disable external ICMP redirects.
  198.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$IFACE_NET/accept_redirects ]; then
  199.     echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/$IFACE_NET/accept_redirects
  200.   fi
  201.   # Ignore ICMP responses to hosts misinterpreting broadcast traffic.
  202.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses ]; then
  203.     echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses
  204.   fi
  205.   # Enable IP forwarding.
  206.   if [ -e /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ]; then
  207.     echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
  208.   fi
  209. }
  210. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. # Remove All Chains and Rules
  212. flush() {
  213.   # Flush the rules from the built-in chains.
  214.   iptables -F
  215.   iptables -F -t nat
  216.   iptables -F -t mangle
  217.   # Drop any custom chains.
  218.   iptables -X
  219.   iptables -X -t nat
  220.   iptables -X -t mangle
  222.   # Zero the counters.
  223.   iptables -Z
  224.   iptables -Z -t nat
  225.   iptables -Z -t mangle
  226. }
  227. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. # Set Policy for Built-in Chains
  229. # Use DROP as the default policy unless specified otherwise.
  230. set_policy() {
  231.   iptables -P INPUT ${1:-DROP}
  232.   iptables -P FORWARD ${1:-DROP}
  233.   iptables -P OUTPUT ${1:-DROP}
  234. }
  235. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  236. # Install Target Chains
  237. # All rules must jump to one of these target chains.
  238. install_targets() {
  239.   # Accept incoming packets. This chain exists primarily for accounting purposes.
  240.   iptables -N TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  241.   iptables -A TGT_ACCEPT_IN -j ACCEPT
  242.   # Accept outgoing packets. This chain exists primarily for accounting purposes.
  243.   iptables -N TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  244.   iptables -A TGT_ACCEPT_OUT -j ACCEPT
  245.   # Drop incoming packets. This chain exists primarily for accounting purposes.
  246.   iptables -N TGT_DROP_IN
  247.   iptables -A TGT_DROP_IN -j DROP
  248.   # Drop outgoing packets. This chain exists primarily for accounting purposes.
  249.   iptables -N TGT_DROP_OUT
  250.   iptables -A TGT_DROP_OUT -j DROP
  251.   # Reject and reset incoming TCP packets. This is a "friendly" way to respond
  252.   # to certain unwanted protocol probes such as AUTH (IDENTD).
  253.   iptables -N TGT_TCP_REJECT_IN
  254.   iptables -A TGT_TCP_REJECT_IN -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
  255.   # Reject and reset outgoing TCP packets. This is a "friendly" way to respond
  256.   # to certain unwanted protocol probes such as AUTH (IDENTD).
  257.   iptables -N TGT_TCP_REJECT_OUT
  258.   iptables -A TGT_TCP_REJECT_OUT -p tcp -j REJECT --reject-with tcp-reset
  259.   # Log and drop malicious incoming packets that are known security exploits.
  260.   iptables -N TGT_ATTACK_IN
  261.   iptables -A TGT_ATTACK_IN -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_ATTACK \
  262.     --log-prefix "FW_ATTACK_IN: "
  263.   iptables -A TGT_ATTACK_IN -j TGT_DROP_IN
  264.   # Log and drop malicious outgoing packets that are known security exploits.
  265.   iptables -N TGT_ATTACK_OUT
  266.   iptables -A TGT_ATTACK_OUT -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_ATTACK \
  267.     --log-prefix "FW_ATTACK_OUT: "
  268.   iptables -A TGT_ATTACK_OUT -j TGT_DROP_OUT
  269.   # Discard annoying but otherwise innocuous incoming packets.
  270.   iptables -N TGT_DISCARD_IN
  271.   iptables -A TGT_DISCARD_IN -j TGT_DROP_IN
  272.   # Discard annoying but otherwise innocuous incoming packets.
  273.   iptables -N TGT_DISCARD_OUT
  274.   iptables -A TGT_DISCARD_OUT -j TGT_DROP_OUT
  275.   # Log and drop any suspected incoming flood attacks (more than 15 packets per
  276.   # second with a maximum burst of 30 per second). Don't log more than 5
  277.   # packets per minute so that the log doesn't fill up.
  278.   iptables -N TGT_FLOOD_IN
  279.   iptables -A TGT_FLOOD_IN -m limit --limit 15/s --limit-burst 30 -j RETURN
  280.   iptables -A TGT_FLOOD_IN -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG \
  281.     --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_FLOOD --log-prefix "FW_FLOOD_IN: "
  282.   iptables -A TGT_FLOOD_IN -j TGT_DROP_IN
  283.   # Log and drop malformed or impossible incoming packets.
  284.   iptables -N TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  285.   iptables -A TGT_ILLEGAL_IN -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_ILLEGAL \
  286.     --log-prefix "FW_ILLEGAL_IN: "
  287.   iptables -A TGT_ILLEGAL_IN -j TGT_DROP_IN
  288.   # Log and drop malformed or impossible outgoing packets.
  289.   iptables -N TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  290.   iptables -A TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_ILLEGAL \
  291.     --log-prefix "FW_ILLEGAL_OUT: "
  292.   iptables -A TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT -j TGT_DROP_OUT
  293.   # Log and drop packets that look like incoming scans. Don't log more than 5
  294.   # packets per minute so that the log doesn't fill up.
  295.   iptables -N TGT_SCAN_IN
  296.   iptables -A TGT_SCAN_IN -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG \
  297.     --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_SCAN --log-prefix "FW_SCAN_IN: "
  298.   iptables -A TGT_SCAN_IN -j TGT_DROP_IN
  300.   # Log and drop unknown incoming packets. Don't log more than 5 packets per
  301.   # minute so that the log doesn't fill up.
  302.   iptables -N TGT_UNKNOWN_IN
  303.   iptables -A TGT_UNKNOWN_IN -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG \
  304.   --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN --log-prefix "FW_UNKNOWN_IN: "
  305.   iptables -A TGT_UNKNOWN_IN -j TGT_DROP_IN
  306.   # Log and drop unknown outgoing packets. Don't log more than 5 packets per
  307.   # minute so that the log doesn't fill up.
  308.   iptables -N TGT_UNKNOWN_OUT
  309.   iptables -A TGT_UNKNOWN_OUT -m limit --limit 5/m -j LOG \
  310.   --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_UNKNOWN --log-prefix "FW_UNKNOWN_OUT: "
  311.   iptables -A TGT_UNKNOWN_OUT -j TGT_DROP_OUT
  312.   # Log and accept incoming packets that we want to keep an eye on.
  313.   iptables -N TGT_WATCH_IN
  314.   iptables -A TGT_WATCH_IN -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_WATCH \
  315.     --log-prefix "FW_WATCH_IN: " --log-ip-options
  316.   iptables -A TGT_WATCH_IN -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  317.   # Log and accept outgoing packets that we want to keep an eye on.
  318.   iptables -N TGT_WATCH_OUT
  319.   iptables -A TGT_WATCH_OUT -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_WATCH \
  320.     --log-prefix "FW_WATCH_OUT: " --log-ip-options
  321.   iptables -A TGT_WATCH_OUT -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  322. }
  323. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  324. # Install Local Loopback Interface Rules
  325. # No restrictions on local loopback interface.
  326. install_lo_in_out() {
  327.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_LOC -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  328.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_LOC -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  329. }
  330. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  331. # Install BAD_TCP_ANY_IN Chain
  332. # Filters out bad TCP segments originating from any connected network.
  333. install_bad_tcp_any_in() {
  334.   iptables -N BAD_TCP_ANY_IN
  335.   iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j BAD_TCP_ANY_IN
  337.   # Be polite and deny inbound AUTH connections (usually from broken email
  338.   # servers).
  339.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --dport $PORT_AUTH -j TGT_TCP_REJECT_IN
  340.   # Segments with illegal TCP flags.
  341.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-option 64 -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  342.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-option 128 -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  343.   # Segments pretending to be part of an established connection.
  344.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW \
  345.     -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  347.   # Segments with every flag bit set (XMAS tree packets).
  348.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL ALL -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  350.   # Segments with no flag bits set (NULL packets).
  351.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  352.   # SYN flood DoS attacks.
  353.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --syn -j TGT_FLOOD_IN
  355.   # Stealth scan. Treat like flood because a few at a time are valid.
  356.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,ACK,FIN,RST RST \
  357.     -j TGT_FLOOD_IN
  359.   # XMAS scan, used by NMAP.
  360.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL FIN,URG,PSH -j TGT_SCAN_IN
  362.   # SYN/RST scan.
  363.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN,RST -j TGT_SCAN_IN
  365.   # SYN/FIN scan.
  366.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,FIN SYN,FIN -j TGT_SCAN_IN
  367.   # MyDoom backdoor scan.
  368.   iptables -A BAD_TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --dport 3127 -j TGT_SCAN_IN
  369. }
  370. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  371. # Install BAD_ANY_IN Chain
  372. # Filters out bad traffic originating from any connected network.
  373. install_bad_any_in() {
  374.   iptables -N BAD_ANY_IN
  375.   iptables -A INPUT -j BAD_ANY_IN
  377.   # Ignore any Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) messages.
  378.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -p $IPPROT_IGMP -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  380.   # Invalid packet.
  381.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -m state --state INVALID -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  383.   # Packet fragments.
  384.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -f -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  386.   # Ping scan. Treat like flood because a few at a time are valid.
  387.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_PING -j TGT_FLOOD_IN
  388.   # Packets pretending to be headed for the loopback interface.
  389.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -d $IPNETW_LOC -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  391.   # Packets pretending to be from a private network address.
  392.   for NETW in $PRIVATE; do
  393.     iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -s $NETW -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  394.   done
  396.   # Packets pretending to be from a reserved address.
  397.   for NETW in $RESERVED; do
  398.     iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -s $NETW -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  399.   done
  401.   # Packets with a source port of zero. Started showing up in May, 2003.
  402.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -p tcp --sport 0 -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  403.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -p udp --sport 0 -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  405.   # Throw away MS SQL Server Slammer worm crap.
  406.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -p tcp --dport 1433 -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  407.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_IN -p udp --dport 1434 -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  408. }
  409. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  410. # Install BAD_ANY_OUT Chain
  411. # Filters out bad traffic destined for any connected network.
  412. install_bad_any_out() {
  413.   iptables -N BAD_ANY_OUT
  414.   iptables -A OUTPUT -j BAD_ANY_OUT
  415.   # Packets pretending to be part of an established connection.
  416.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_OUT -p tcp ! --syn -m state --state NEW -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  417.   # Prevent information leak described by Red Hat Advisory RHSA-2002:086-05.
  418.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_OUT -p icmp -m state --state INVALID -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  419.   # Packets heading for a private network address.
  420.   for NETW in $PRIVATE; do
  421.     iptables -A BAD_ANY_OUT -d $NETW -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  422.   done
  423.   # Packets heading for a reserved address.
  424.   for NETW in $RESERVED; do
  425.     iptables -A BAD_ANY_OUT -d $NETW -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  426.   done
  428.   # Packets with a source port of zero.
  429.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_OUT -p tcp --sport 0 -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  430.   iptables -A BAD_ANY_OUT -p udp --sport 0 -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  431. }
  432. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  433. # Install BAD_NET_IN Chain
  434. # Filters out bad traffic originating from the public internet.
  435. install_bad_net_in() {
  436.   iptables -N BAD_NET_IN
  437.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_NET -j BAD_NET_IN
  438.   # Drop annoying MS worm traffic.
  439.   iptables -A BAD_NET_IN -p udp --dport $PORT_MSNBNS -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  440.   iptables -A BAD_NET_IN -p tcp --dport $PORT_MSRPC -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  441.   iptables -A BAD_NET_IN -p tcp --dport $PORT_MSNBSSN -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  442.   # Broadcast packets.
  443.   iptables -A BAD_NET_IN -d $IPBCAST_NET -j TGT_ATTACK_IN
  444.   # Packets pretending to be from this address.
  445.   iptables -A BAD_NET_IN -s $IPADDR_NET -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  446.   # Packets pretending to be from the LAN private network.
  447.   iptables -A BAD_NET_IN -s $PRIVATE_LAN -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  448. }
  449. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  450. # Install BAD_NET_OUT Chain
  451. # Filters out bad traffic destined for the public internet.
  452. install_bad_net_out() {
  453.   iptables -N BAD_NET_OUT
  454.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_NET -j BAD_NET_OUT
  455.   # Broadcast packets.
  456.   iptables -A BAD_NET_OUT -d $IPBCAST_NET -j TGT_ATTACK_OUT
  457.   # Packets with spoofed source address.
  458.   iptables -A BAD_NET_OUT -s ! $IPADDR_NET -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  459.   # Packets heading for the LAN private network.
  460.   iptables -A BAD_NET_OUT -d $PRIVATE_LAN -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  461. }
  462. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  463. # Install BAD_LAN_IN Chain
  464. # Filters out bad traffic originating from the local private network.
  465. install_bad_lan_in() {
  466.   iptables -N BAD_LAN_IN
  467.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_LAN -j BAD_LAN_IN
  468.   # Ping broadcasts.
  469.   iptables -A BAD_LAN_IN -d $IPBCAST_LAN -p icmp -j TGT_ATTACK_IN
  470.   # Packets pretending to be from this address (that weren't actually broadcast
  471.   # by this host).
  472.   iptables -A BAD_LAN_IN -s $IPADDR_LAN -d ! $IPBCAST_LAN -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  473.   # Packets pretending to be from a network other than the LAN network.
  474.   iptables -A BAD_LAN_IN -s ! $IPNETW_LAN -j TGT_ILLEGAL_IN
  475. }
  476. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  477. # Install BAD_LAN_OUT Chain
  478. # Filters out bad traffic destined for the local private network.
  479. install_bad_lan_out() {
  480.   iptables -N BAD_LAN_OUT
  481.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_LAN -j BAD_LAN_OUT
  482.   # Ping broadcasts.
  483.   iptables -A BAD_LAN_OUT -d $IPBCAST_LAN -p icmp -j TGT_ATTACK_OUT
  484.   # Packets heading for a network other than the LAN network.
  485.   iptables -A BAD_LAN_OUT -d ! $IPNETW_LAN -j TGT_ILLEGAL_OUT
  486. }
  487. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  488. # Install ICMP_ANY_IN Chain
  489. # Selectively accepts ICMP messages originating from any connected network.
  490. install_icmp_any_in() {
  491.   iptables -N ICMP_ANY_IN
  492.   iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ICMP_ANY_IN
  493.   # Inbound ping (echo request) messages.
  494.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_IN -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_PING -m state --state NEW \
  495.     -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  496.   # Inbound pong (echo reply) messages from previous outbound ping queries.
  497.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_IN -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_PONG -m state \
  498.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  499.   # Inbound time exceeded messages from previous outbound queries
  500.   # (e.g. traceroute).
  501.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_IN -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED -m state \
  502.     --state RELATED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  503.   # Inbound unreachable messages from previous outbound queries.
  504.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_IN -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_UNREACHABLE -m state \
  505.     --state RELATED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  506. }
  507. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  508. # Install ICMP_ANY_OUT Chain
  509. # Selectively accepts ICMP messages destined for any connected network.
  510. install_icmp_any_out() {
  511.   iptables -N ICMP_ANY_OUT
  512.   iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -j ICMP_ANY_OUT
  513.   # Outbound ping (echo request) messages.
  514.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_OUT -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_PING -m state --state NEW \
  515.     -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  516.   # Outbound pong (echo reply) messages from previous inbound ping queries.
  517.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_OUT -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_PONG -m state \
  518.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  519.   # Outbound time exceeded messages from previous inbound queries
  520.   # (e.g. traceroute).
  521.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_OUT -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_TIME_EXCEEDED -m state \
  522.     --state RELATED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  523.   # Outbound unreachable messages from previous inbound queries.
  524.   iptables -A ICMP_ANY_OUT -p icmp --icmp-type $ICMP_UNREACHABLE -m state \
  525.     --state RELATED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  526. }
  527. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  528. # Install TCP_LAN_IN Chain
  529. # Selectively accepts TCP segments originating from the local private network.
  530. install_tcp_lan_in() {
  531.   iptables -N TCP_LAN_IN
  532.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_LAN -p tcp -j TCP_LAN_IN
  533.   # Inbound Secure SHell connections.
  534.   iptables -A TCP_LAN_IN -p tcp --dport $PORT_SSH -m state \
  535.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  536. }
  537. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  538. # Install TCP_LAN_OUT Chain
  539. # Selectively accepts TCP segments destined for the local private network.
  540. install_tcp_lan_out() {
  541.   iptables -N TCP_LAN_OUT
  542.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_LAN -p tcp -j TCP_LAN_OUT
  543.   # Inbound Secure SHell connections.
  544.   iptables -A TCP_LAN_OUT -p tcp --sport $PORT_SSH -m state \
  545.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  546. }
  547. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  548. # Install TCP_NET_IN Chain
  549. # Selectively accepts TCP segments originating from the public internet.
  550. install_tcp_net_in() {
  551.   iptables -N TCP_NET_IN
  552.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_NET -p tcp -j TCP_NET_IN
  553.   # Outbound HTTP connections.
  554.   iptables -A TCP_NET_IN -p tcp --sport $PORT_HTTP -m state \
  555.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  556.   # Outbound RSYNC connections.
  557.   iptables -A TCP_NET_IN -p tcp --sport $PORT_RSYNC -m state \
  558.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  559.   # Outbound passive FTP connections.
  560.   iptables -A TCP_NET_IN -p tcp --sport $PORT_FTP_CMD -m state \
  561.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  562.   iptables -A TCP_NET_IN -p tcp --sport $PORTS_UNPRIV --dport $PORTS_UNPRIV \
  563.     -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  564. }
  565. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  566. # Install TCP_NET_OUT Chain
  567. # Selectively accepts TCP segments destined for the public internet.
  568. install_tcp_net_out() {
  569.   iptables -N TCP_NET_OUT
  570.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_NET -p tcp -j TCP_NET_OUT
  571.   # Outbound HTTP connections.
  572.   iptables -A TCP_NET_OUT -p tcp --dport $PORT_HTTP -m state \
  573.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  574.   # Outbound RSYNC connections.
  575.   iptables -A TCP_NET_OUT -p tcp --dport $PORT_RSYNC -m state \
  576.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  577.   # Outbound passive FTP connections.
  578.   iptables -A TCP_NET_OUT -p tcp --dport $PORT_FTP_CMD -m state \
  579.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  580.   iptables -A TCP_NET_OUT -p tcp --dport $PORTS_UNPRIV --sport $PORTS_UNPRIV \
  581.     -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  582. }
  583. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. # Install TCP_ANY_IN Chain
  585. # Selectively accepts TCP segments originating from the any connected network.
  586. install_tcp_any_in() {
  587.   iptables -N TCP_ANY_IN
  588.   iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -j TCP_ANY_IN
  589.   # Ignore annoying MS domain service gunk.
  590.   iptables -A TCP_ANY_IN -p tcp --dport $PORT_MSDS -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  591. }
  592. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  593. # Install TCP_ANY_OUT Chain
  594. # Selectively accepts TCP segments destined for the public internet.
  595. install_tcp_any_out() {
  596.   iptables -N TCP_ANY_OUT
  597.   iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp -j TCP_ANY_OUT
  598.   # Ignore any attempts to contact DNS servers through TCP.
  599.   iptables -A TCP_ANY_OUT -p tcp --dport $PORT_DNS -j TGT_DISCARD_OUT
  600. }
  601. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  602. # Install UDP_LAN_IN Chain
  603. # Selectively accepts UDP segments originating from the local private network.
  604. install_udp_lan_in() {
  605.   iptables -N UDP_LAN_IN
  606.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_LAN -p udp -j UDP_LAN_IN
  607.   # Inbound DNS queries.
  608.   iptables -A UDP_LAN_IN -p udp --dport $PORT_DNS -m state \
  609.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  610.   # Inbound NTP queries.
  611.   iptables -A UDP_LAN_IN -p udp --dport $PORT_NTP -m state \
  612.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  613.   # Ignore broadcast traffic for Samba.
  614.   iptables -A UDP_LAN_IN -p udp -m multiport --ports $PORT_MSNBNS,$PORT_MSNBDG \
  615.     -j TGT_DISCARD_IN
  616. }
  617. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  618. # Install UDP_LAN_OUT Chain
  619. # Selectively accepts UDP datagrams destined for the local private network.
  620. install_udp_lan_out() {
  621.   iptables -N UDP_LAN_OUT
  622.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_LAN -p udp -j UDP_LAN_OUT
  623.   # Inbound DNS queries.
  624.   iptables -A UDP_LAN_OUT -p udp --sport $PORT_DNS -m state \
  625.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  626.   # Inbound NTP queries.
  627.   iptables -A UDP_LAN_OUT -p udp --sport $PORT_NTP -m state \
  628.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  629. }
  630. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  631. # Install UDP_NET_IN Chain
  632. # Selectively accepts UDP segments originating from the public internet.
  633. install_udp_net_in() {
  634.   iptables -N UDP_NET_IN
  635.   iptables -A INPUT -i $IFACE_NET -p udp -j UDP_NET_IN
  636.   # Outbound DNS queries to primary server.
  637.   iptables -A UDP_NET_IN -s $DNS_NET_1 -p udp --sport $PORT_DNS -m state \
  638.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  639.   # Outbound DNS queries to secondary server.
  640.   iptables -A UDP_NET_IN -s $DNS_NET_2 -p udp --sport $PORT_DNS -m state \
  641.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  642.   # Outbound NTP queries.
  643.   iptables -A UDP_NET_IN -p udp --sport $PORT_NTP -m state \
  644.     --state ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  645. }
  646. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  647. # Install UDP_NET_OUT Chain
  648. # Selectively accepts UDP datagrams destined for the public internet.
  649. install_udp_net_out() {
  650.   iptables -N UDP_NET_OUT
  651.   iptables -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_NET -p udp -j UDP_NET_OUT
  653.   # Outbound DNS queries to primary server.
  654.   iptables -A UDP_NET_OUT -d $DNS_NET_1 -p udp --dport $PORT_DNS -m state \
  655.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  656.   # Outbound DNS queries to secondary server.
  657.   iptables -A UDP_NET_OUT -d $DNS_NET_2 -p udp --dport $PORT_DNS -m state \
  658.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  659.   # Outbound NTP queries.
  660.   iptables -A UDP_NET_OUT -p udp --dport $PORT_NTP -m state \
  661.     --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  662.   # Outbound traceroute queries.
  663.   iptables -A UDP_NET_OUT -p udp --dport $PORTS_TRACEROUTE -m state \
  664.     --state NEW -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  665. }
  666. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  667. # Install FORWARD_IN Chain
  668. # Filters out bad traffic, and selectively accepts forwarded connections,
  669. # destined for the local private network.
  670. install_forward_in() {
  671.   iptables -N FORWARD_IN
  672.   iptables -A FORWARD -i $IFACE_NET -o $IFACE_LAN -j FORWARD_IN
  673.   # Inbound filter rules.
  674.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -p tcp -j BAD_TCP_ANY_IN
  675.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -j BAD_NET_IN
  676.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -j BAD_ANY_IN
  677.   # Inbound established connections.
  678.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  679.   # Inbound DNAT new connections.
  680.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -p tcp -d $HTTP_LAN --dport $PORT_HTTP -m state \
  681.     --state NEW -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  682.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -p tcp -d $HTTPS_LAN --dport $PORT_HTTPS -m state \
  683.     --state NEW -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  684.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -p tcp -d $SMTP_LAN --dport $PORT_SMTP -m state \
  685.     --state NEW -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  686.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -p tcp -d $SSH_LAN --dport $PORT_SSH -m state \
  687.     --state NEW -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  688.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -p tcp -d $PFTP_LAN --dport $PORT_FTP_CMD -m state \
  689.     --state NEW -j TGT_ACCEPT_IN
  690.   # TODO: Delete once forwarding rules are figured out.
  691.   iptables -A FORWARD_IN -j TGT_WATCH_IN
  692. }
  693. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  694. # Install FORWARD_OUT Chain
  695. # Filters out bad traffic, and selectively accepts forwarded connections,
  696. # destined for the public internet.
  697. install_forward_out() {
  698.   iptables -N FORWARD_OUT
  699.   iptables -A FORWARD -i $IFACE_LAN -o $IFACE_NET -j FORWARD_OUT
  700.   # Outbound filter rules.
  701.   iptables -A FORWARD_OUT -p tcp -j BAD_TCP_ANY_IN
  702.   iptables -A FORWARD_OUT -j BAD_LAN_IN
  703.   iptables -A FORWARD_OUT -j BAD_ANY_IN
  704.   # Outbound new or established connections.
  705.   iptables -A FORWARD_OUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  707.   # Catch the occasional TCP request that slips by the previous rule.
  708.   iptables -A FORWARD_OUT -p tcp --syn -j TGT_ACCEPT_OUT
  709.   # TODO: Delete once forwarding rules are figured out.
  710.   iptables -A FORWARD_OUT -j TGT_WATCH_OUT
  711. }
  712. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  713. # Install SNAT Rules
  714. # Handle SNAT (static IP masquerade) for the local private network hosts.
  715. install_snat() {
  716.   iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $IFACE_NET -s $IPNETW_LAN -j SNAT \
  717.     --to-source ${IPADDR_NET%/*}
  718. }
  719. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  720. # Install DNAT Rules
  721. # Handle DNAT (inbound port forwarding) to local private network hosts.
  722. install_dnat() {
  723.   # Inbound SMTP connections.
  724.   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $IFACE_NET -p tcp -d $IPADDR_NET \
  725.     --dport $PORT_SMTP -j DNAT --to-destination $SMTP_LAN:$PORT_SMTP
  726.   # Inbound HTTP connections.
  727.   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $IFACE_NET -p tcp -d $IPADDR_NET \
  728.     --dport $PORT_HTTP -j DNAT --to-destination $HTTP_LAN:$PORT_HTTP
  729.   # Inbound HTTPS connections.
  730.   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $IFACE_NET -p tcp -d $IPADDR_NET \
  731.     --dport $PORT_HTTPS -j DNAT --to-destination $HTTPS_LAN:$PORT_HTTPS
  732.   # Inbound SSH connections.
  733.   iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i $IFACE_NET -p tcp -d $IPADDR_NET \
  734.     --dport $PORT_SSH -j DNAT --to-destination $SSH_LAN:$PORT_SSH
  735. }
  736. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  737. # Install TOS Mangle Rules
  738. # Configure Type of Service rules for mangle table:
  739. #   Minimize-Delay       16 (0x10)
  740. #   Maximize-Throughput   8 (0x08)
  741. #   Maximize-Reliability  4 (0x04)
  742. #   Minimize-Cost         2 (0x02)
  743. #   Normal-Service        0 (0x00)
  744. # Use with caution: Type of Service isn't widely implemented in routers and may
  745. # actually cause problems.
  746. install_mangle() {
  747.   iptables -t mangle -N MANGLE_TOS
  748.   # Maximize throughput.
  749.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_FTP_DATA -j TOS --set-tos 8
  750.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_HTTP -j TOS --set-tos 8
  751.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_HTTPS -j TOS --set-tos 8
  752.   # Minimize delay.
  753.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_FTP_CMD -j TOS --set-tos 16
  754.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_SSH -j TOS --set-tos 16
  755.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_SMTP -j TOS --set-tos 16
  756.   iptables -t mangle -A MANGLE_TOS -p tcp --dport $PORT_DNS -j TOS --set-tos 16
  757.   # Install MANGLE_TOS on OUTPUT chain.
  758.   iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -o $IFACE_NET -j MANGLE_TOS
  760.   # Log and drop segments with no flag bits set (NULL packets).
  761.   iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -m limit \
  762.     --limit 5/minute -j LOG --log-level $LOG_LEVEL_SCAN \
  763.     --log-prefix "FW_SCAN_MANGLE: " --log-tcp-options --log-ip-options
  764.   iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp --tcp-flags ALL NONE -j DROP

  765.   # Install MANGLE_TOS on PREROUTING chain.
  766.   iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -i $IFACE_LAN -j MANGLE_TOS
  767. }
  768. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  769. # Initialize Firewall
  770. init_fw() {
  771.   config_kernel
  772.   flush
  773.   set_policy ${1:-DROP}
  774. }
  775. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  776. # Install Firewall Rules
  777. install_fw() {
  778.   # Install the target chains.
  779.   install_targets
  780.   # Install local loopback interface rules.
  781.   install_lo_in_out
  782.   # Special case: filter TCP packets seperately.
  783.   install_bad_tcp_any_in
  785.   # Filter out bad packets: least to most specific.
  786.   install_bad_any_in
  787.   install_bad_any_out
  788.   install_bad_net_in
  789.   install_bad_net_out
  790.   install_bad_lan_in
  791.   install_bad_lan_out
  793.   # Apply ICMP protocol rules: most to least specific.
  794.   install_icmp_any_in
  795.   install_icmp_any_out
  797.   # Apply TCP protocol rules: most to least specific.
  798.   install_tcp_lan_in
  799.   install_tcp_lan_out
  800.   install_tcp_net_in
  801.   install_tcp_net_out
  802.   install_tcp_any_in
  803.   install_tcp_any_out
  805.   # Apply UDP protocol rules: most to least specific.
  806.   install_udp_lan_in
  807.   install_udp_lan_out
  808.   install_udp_net_in
  809.   install_udp_net_out
  810.   # Log anything that falls off the end.
  811.   iptables -A INPUT -j TGT_UNKNOWN_IN
  812.   iptables -A OUTPUT -j TGT_UNKNOWN_OUT
  813.   # Apply forwarding rules.
  814.   install_forward_in
  815.   install_forward_out
  816.   # Apply NAT rules.
  817.   install_snat
  818.   install_dnat
  820.   # Apply mangle TOS rules. Enable only if you understand TOS better than I do.
  821.   #install_mangle
  822. }
  823. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  824. # Interpret Command-line Parameters
  825. case "$1" in
  826. opensesame)
  828.   # Initialize the firewall and set the default policy to ACCEPT, allowing all
  829.   # traffic through unimpeded.
  830.   init_fw ACCEPT
  831.   ;;
  832. start | restart)
  833.   # start==restart since there's no daemon process to stop or signal.
  834.   init_fw
  835.   install_fw
  836.   ;;
  837. stop)
  838.   # Initialize the firewall and set the default policy to DROP, effectively
  839.   # stopping all traffic.
  840.   init_fw
  841.   ;;
  842. *)
  843.   echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
  844.   exit 1
  845. esac
  846. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847. # All Done
  848. exit 0
  849. ################################################################################
  850. # EOF
  851. ################################################################################

发表于 2007-6-8 21:11:57 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-9 03:13:10 | 显示全部楼层
你没看我差不多 24 小时都在线么?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-10 07:54:20 | 显示全部楼层



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-10 08:57:39 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-11 17:15:09 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-12 08:34:58 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-6-12 14:38:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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