发表于 2007-2-13 15:30:45
Nth's Mean
nth (integer,integer: 0..15,integer{0,1}) - match a particular Nth packet received by the rule. One of 16 available counters can be used to count packets Every - match every Every+1th packet. For example, if Every=1 then the rule matches every 2nd packet Counter - specifies which counter to use. A counter increments each time the rule containing nth Packet - match on the given packet number. The value by obvious reasons must be between 0 and Every. If this option is used for a given counter, then there must be at least Every+1 rules with this option, covering all values between 0 and Every inclusively.
Los valores de NTH para 2 wanes son:
1,1,0 1er 1,1,1 2do
Los valores de NTH para 3 wanes son:
2,4,0 1er 2,4,1 2do 2,4,2 3er |