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已有 5217 次阅读2015-3-24 03:50 | 华为


原oLT上行端口为  0/20 0
 新增加链路端口   0/19 0

olt上做链路聚合只要执行:link-aggregation 0/19 0 0/20 0 egress-ingress workmode lacp-static

93和OLT对应的端口6/0/8,新增链路对应的端口为:5/0/8 (跨板聚合)
     interface GigabitEthernet6/0/8
       description TO ZhongXinJiFang-HW-MA5680T_0/20/0
       port link-type trunk
       undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
       port trunk allow-pass vlan 4 12 17 28 301 1000 2001 to 2003 3398 to 3399 3892 3900
       port  trunk  allow-pass vlan 3902 3995 4070 to 4071
       undo negotiation auto

在93全局模式下创建Interface eth-trunk 1(1为接口序号,自定义)接口;
           Interface eth-trunk 1
           Mode lacp-static(要和olt上一直)
           Trunk port interface GigabitEthernet6/0/8 to 5/0/8
           port  trunk  allow-pass vlan 4 12 17 28 301 1000 2001 to 2003 3398 to 3399 3892 3900(透传gig 6/0/8原有的所有的vlan)
           port  trunk  allow-pass vlan 3902 3995 4070 to 4071

注:在做以上的操作时必须先删除93上6/0/8原有端口的trunk和所透传的VLAN,不然在Interface eth-trunk 1下无法透传vlan。

最终的显示:olt上:link-aggregation 0/19 0 egress-ingress workmode lacp-static(0/19 0为聚合主端口)
                   link-aggregation add-member 0/19/0 0/20 0
                   GSPL-MA-ZXJF-KT-OLT001#display link-aggregation all
                   Master port  Link aggregation mode  Port NUM  Work mode  Max link number
                   0/19/0       egress-ingress                2  lacp-static              -
                  Total: 1 link aggregation(s)

            93上:interface Eth-Trunk1
                  port link-type trunk
                  undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1       
                  port trunk allow-pass vlan 4 12 17 28 301 1000 2001 to 2003 3398 to 3399 3741 to 3742 3892
                  port trunk allow-pass vlan 3900 3902 3995 4070 to 4071
                  mode lacp-static

             interface GigabitEthernet6/0/8
             description TO ZhongXinJiFang-HW-MA5680T_0/20/0
             eth-trunk 1
             port priority 7(链路优先级,可加可不加)
             undo negotiation auto

             interface GigabitEthernet5/0/8
             description TO ZhongXinJiFang-HW-MA5680T_0/19/0
             eth-trunk 1
             port priority 5(链路优先级,可加可不加)
             undo negotiation auto
             [GSPIL-MA-SW001-S9306-KT] disp interface Eth-Trunk 1
               Eth-Trunk1 current state : UP
               Description:HUAWEI, Quidway Series, Eth-Trunk1 Interface
               Switch Port,PVID :    1,Hash arithmetic : According to SA-XOR-DA,The Maximum Frame Length is 1536
               Internet protocol processing : disabled
               IP Sending Frames' Format is PKTFMT_ETHNT_2, Hardware address is 0025-9e55-b035

              PortName                Status              Weight
              GigabitEthernet6/0/8    UP                  1
              GigabitEthernet5/0/8    UP                  1






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QQ|Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|软路由 ( 渝ICP备15001194号-1|渝公网安备 50011602500124号 )

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