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又一个比libevent更牛的事件驱动库: RiNOO

已有 1686 次阅读2013-8-10 13:21



What is RiNOO

RiNOO is a socket management library. RiNOO sockets are asynchronous but "appear" synchronous. This is possible by using fast-contexts (see fcontext project). Code looks simple. The complexity of asynchronous sockets is hidden. RiNOO is a simple way to create high scalability client/server applications.


RiNOO can run multiple tasks which can be considered as parallel, I/O wise. Tasks can be compared to threads, they run in dedicated lightweight stacks and can be co-operatively interrupted. They're also known as fibers (see Wikipedia definition). These tasks are managed in user-space and switching from one task to another require only a few instructions. That makes RiNOO's tasks fast and easy to work with, as they actually don't run concurrently, no locking is involved. When calling socket functions within a task, current task will be automatically interrupted and resumed when the socket operation has been performed.


RiNOO scheduler watches for file descriptors to get I/O event and resumes tasks accordingly. A task execution can be also scheduled at a specific time.


RiNOO exposes a socket management API which deals automatically with tasks. The API is meant to be simple to ease socket management.

Fun & Profit

RiNOO saves a lot of time when writing client/server programs and its performances can be used for high scalability needs.






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