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L2TP Client

已有 1203 次阅读2011-9-19 21:34

Sub-menu: /interface l2tp-clientManual:Interface/L2TP 316
Property Description
add-default-route (yes | no; Default: no) Whether to add L2TP remote address as a default route.
allow (mschap2 | mschap1 | chap | pap;
Default: mschap2, mschap1, chap, pap)
Allowed authentication methods.
connect-to (IP; Default: ) Remote address of L2TP server
dial-on-demand (yes | no; Default: no)
disabled (yes | no; Default: yes) Whether interface is disabled or not. By default it is disabled
max-mru (integer; Default: 1460) Maximum Receive Unit. Max packet size that PPTP interface will be able to receive without
packet fragmentation.
max-mtu (integer; Default: 1460) Maximum Transmission Unit. Max packet size that PPTP interface will be able to send without
packet fragmentation.
mrru (disabled | integer; Default: disabled) Maximum packet size that can be received on the link. If a packet is bigger than tunnel MTU, it
will be split into multiple packets, allowing full size IP or Ethernet packets to be sent over the
name (string; Default: ) Descriptive name of the interface.
password (string; Default: "") Password used for authentication.
profile (name; Default: default-encryption) Used PPP profile.
user (string; Default: ) User name used for authentication.
This example demonstrates how to set up L2TP client with username "l2tp-hm", password "123" and server
[admin@dzeltenais_burkaans] /interface l2tp-client>add name=l2tp-hm user=l2tp-h






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