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已有 1501 次阅读2011-9-19 21:33

Sub-menu: /kvm interface
 Property   Desciption
comment (text) description of interface
disabled (yes|no, default: no) state of interface after creation
host-mac-address (MAC Address,
default: generated)
MAC address of virtual interface that host will use
model (virto | e1000 | pcnet,
default: virtio)
mode of virtual interface. Available options are:
• virtio - default value. Fastest available option, should be chosen if no other problems are encountered
• e1000 - emulates card that uses e1000 driver. This option where added for compatibility with some guest
operating systems that where not able to communicate with host RouterOS if virtio interface model where
• pcnet - emulates card that uses pcnet driver. This option where added for compatibility with some guest
operating systems that where not able to communicate with host RouterOS if virtio interface model where
vm-mac-address (MAC Address,
default: generated)
MAC address of virtual interface that guest will use
copy-from (number) use configuration from existing virtual interface
dynamic-bridge (interface name,
default: none)
if set, dynamic interface will be automatically added as port to bridge interface
interface is set for static interface, to assign it to already created virtual-ethernet interface
type (dynamic | static,
default: static)
to set if interface is either static or dynamic.
• dynamic interface will add virtual-ethernet automatically when virtual machine starts.
• static interface have to have created virtual-ethernet interface at the time of creation of the entry.
virtual-machine (KVM machine
name, must be set)
name of virtual machine this interface will be assigned toManual:KVM 312
[1] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ X86_virtualization
Manual:Entering a RouterOS License key
First method
If you have installed the Router OS onto a PC (i.e. it is not a RouterBoard), you will initially have no key, but for 24
hours the router will be fully operable and working. During this period configure the router to have an IP address, for
example, then purchase a key on the www.mikrotik.com  account server. To enter this key follow this
short guide:
• Telnet to the router:
• find the email from mikrotik which contains your keyManual:Entering a RouterOS License key 313
• select this key and click copy
• in the telnet window right-click the screen and choose pasteManual:Entering a RouterOS License key 314
• type y and hit enter to reboot the router
• For fans of the serial console, you may enter the license information via the serial console on certain equipment.
Perform the same operation as in the telnet session above, i.e., at the console prompt, paste the license
information as if it were a command; the paste buffer or clipboard should contain the full text including the lines
containing "BEGIN" and "END" as mentioned above






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