


分享 上周儿子又发烧了
心想事成 2010-3-18 10:54
晚上突然发烧.老婆给它吃了退烧药后就退了,第二天再烧,再吃又退.就再没发烧了.但晚上咳嗽得厉害! 开始我给他用柴胡桂枝汤,没什么效果.再用黄芩汤,无效. 最后被拿去医院打了针,我感觉不对.一查,咳嗽是因为误用凉药退烧的后遗症,马上用加味小青龙汤,吃了中药后,出了一身大汗水,咳嗽减轻. 但小青龙汤是峻猛之药,不能 ...
155 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 DES, Blowfish, IDEA, MD5: implemtentation ( for Ondaquadra E-zine )
心想事成 2010-3-11 22:21
This article appeared on OndaQuadra0B Elettronic Magazine - Mar 2004 ] OpenSSL/DES,OpenSSL/Blowfish,OpenSSL/IDEA,OpenSSL/MD5: implemtentation UNISFED written and coded by Paolo Ardoino paolo.ardoino@gmail.com 0. Intro 1. Descrizione algoritmi 2. Funzioni headers DES 3. Funzioni headers Blo ...
185 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 内核级实现的socks代理服务器
心想事成 2010-3-11 22:13
ksb26 ( Kernel Socks Bouncer ) is a Linux Kernel 2.6.x Loadable Kernel Module that hijacks tcp connections (to user-defined target hosts) through socks 5 servers chains. ksb26 works as an hidden layer that adds anonymity to software that doesn’t support anonymous connections. ksb26 is divided ...
184 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 透明的转接sock的服务器
心想事成 2010-3-11 21:51
TranSocks - Transparent SOCKSifying Proxy Transocks is alike project but it has noticable performance penality. Transsocks_ev is alike project too, but it has no HTTPS-proxy support and does not support authentication. http://transocks.sourceforge.net/ http://darkk.net.ru.sixxs.org/ ...
596 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 今年的春节
心想事成 2010-2-21 11:02
今年的春节就在家。 三十的晚上不小心着凉感冒了,到现在还一直在咳嗽!儿子也是感冒咳嗽,老婆也是,一家人都在咳!此起彼伏!不知道什么时候才好。 初二四哥等人回到老家去上坟,我一路陪同。 晚上在家吃饭,陪李希等人,喝得滥醉。肖月吐得一床都是。 每天在家带儿子。说起儿子,怎么一天比一天调皮,太麻 ...
129 次阅读|0 个评论

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