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本帖最后由 qwert1388 于 2024-4-9 21:36 编辑
:local hostname "sz.mkadmin.dns.army"
:local token "edZkL1ZVv8fidonfA1Sxd-XyqSx-xH"
:local IPV6 [ipv6 address get [ipv6 address find interface=pppoe-out1] address]
:set IPV6 [:pick $IPV6 0 ([len $IPV6] -3)]
:if ([:resolve $hostname server=] != $IPV6) do={
/tool fetch url="http://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=$hostname&token=$token&ipv6prefix=$IPV6" mode=http keep-result=no
:log info "IPV6 Update: $hostname - $IPV6"
Use the following snippet in your ddclient.conf of ddclient:protocol=dyndns2server=dynv6.comlogin=nonepassword='edZkL1ZVv8fidonfA1Sxd-XyqSx-xH'mkadmin.dns.armyAdditionally you also need to specifiy the interface to use, like use=if, if=eth0Fritz!OS (German)Enable IPv6Go to Internet → Zugangsdaten → IPv6 Make sure that IPv6 support is enabled. If your provider does not support native IPv6 yet, then enable tunneled IPv6 with 6to4. Set up dynv6Go to Internet → Freigaben → Dynamic DNS then enable the Option Dynamic DNS benutzen select the provider Benutzerdefiniert and copy the following values into the form: Update-URLhttp://dynv6.com/api/update?hostname=<domain>&token=<username>&ipv4=<ipaddr> http://dynv6.com/api/update?host ... lt;ip6lanprefix>
(combined with whitespace to update IPv4 and IPv6 addresses simultaneously)Domainnamemkadmin.dns.army