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detour in mips assembly

已有 1369 次阅读2013-8-14 22:55

Problem was, that addiu is "Add immediate unsigned", but immediate is still taken as sign-extended value, so the sign-bit is most likely ignored when adding the number. I changed the code to use "addu" and it works .

This is the new disassembled code:
Dump of assembler code from 0x2ab68964 to 0x2ab68984 (malloc):
   0x2ab68964:  lui     t9,0x3000
   0x2ab68968:  li      at,0x0
   0x2ab6896c:  addu    t9,t9,at
   0x2ab68970:  jr      t9
   0x2ab68974:  nop
   0x2ab68978:  sw      s8,80(sp)
   0x2ab6897c:  sw      s7,76(sp)
   0x2ab68980:  sw      s6,72(sp)
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) disassemble 0x30000000, 0x30000038
Dump of assembler code from 0x30000000 to 0x30000038:
; reset t9 to value it would have in original malloc
   0x30000000:  lui     t9,0x2ab6
   0x30000004:  li      at,0x8964
   0x30000008:  addu    t9,t9,at

; exec overwritten instructions from original malloc
   0x3000000c:  lui     gp,0x6
   0x30000010:  addiu   gp,gp,-25780
   0x30000014:  addu    gp,gp,t9
   0x30000018:  addiu   sp,sp,-88
   0x3000001c:  sw      ra,84(sp)

; jump back to original malloc+20
   0x30000020:  lui     t9,0x2ab6
   0x30000024:  li      at,0x8978
   0x30000028:  addu    t9,t9,at
   0x3000002c:  jr      t9
   0x30000030:  nop
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