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tsdecrypt :解密ts数据流的软件

已有 2089 次阅读2012-4-15 00:38 | 解密, 软件, 数据流

tsdecrypt reads incoming mpeg transport stream over UDP/RTP and then
decrypts it using using code words obtained from OSCAM or similar cam
server. tsdecrypt communicates with CAM server using cs378x (camd35
over tcp) protocol or newcamd protocol.

tsdecrypt is released under GNU GPL v2.

tsdecrypt depends on openssl. It uses rand, MD5, DES and AES functions.
You probably already have openssl installed. If you are seeing compilation
errors related to missing openssl headers you should install openssl-dev
or similar packet depending on your Linux distribution.

If you are not using shipped FFdecsa then the other tsdecrypt dependency
is libdvbcsa. libdvbcsa can be downloaded from

FFdecsa vs libdvbcsa
tsdecrypt supports two different CSA decryption libraries.

libdvbcsa is an external library from VideoLAN project released under
LGPL, FFdecsa is shipped with tsdecrypt.

libdvbcsa is better tested and have served tsdcrypt for a long time so
it is still the default decryption library. Also it is faster with file

To compile tsdecrypt with libdvbcsa run 'make' or if you have tested
FFdecsa compilation and want to switch to libdvbcsa run 'make dvbcsa'.
'make distclean' switches decryption library back to libdvbcsa.

FFdecsa support was added after tsdecrypt v7.0. FFdecsa can be up to 40%
faster than libdvbcsa especially on 32-bit hardware. If you want to use
FFDecsa you have to run 'make ffdecsa'.

The setup script will test which FFDecsa algorithm is the fastest for
your CPU and will configure tsdecrypt compilation to stop using libdvbcsa.
Most likely the script will choose PARALLEL_128_SSE or PARALLEL_128_SSE2.
Once the script have finished it stores its decision in FFdecsa.opts file
and as long as this file exists tsdecrypt will be compiled with FFdecsa.
You can force regeneration by deleting running 'make ffdecsa_force' or
'make distclean ffdecsa'.

FFDecsa is considerably slower than libdvbcsa when tsdecrypt's input
is a file or stdin (single packet decryption mode). If you are
decrypting already recorded files you are better of using libdvbcsa.

When tsdecrypt is run it reports which decryption library is used in its
version string. You can use --bench option to test decryption speed.






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