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已有 1028 次阅读2011-10-22 13:38

The PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol over Ethernet) protocol provides extensive user management, network management and accounting benefits to ISPs and network administrators. Currently PPPoE is used mainly by ISPs to control client connections for xDSL and cable modems as well as plain Ethernet networks. PPPoE is an extension of the standard Point to Point Protocol (PPP). The difference between them is expressed in transport method: PPPoE employs Ethernet instead of modem connection.

Quick Setup Guide
  • To configure MikroTik RouterOS to be a PPPoE client

    1. Just add a pppoe-client:

      /interface pppoe-client add name=pppoe-user-mike user=mike password=123 \ \... interface=wlan1 service-name=internet disabled=no
  • To configure MikroTik RouterOS to be an Access Concentrator (PPPoE Server)

    1. Add an address pool for the clients from to, called pppoe-pool:

      /ip pool add name="pppoe-pool" ranges=
    2. Add PPP profile, called pppoe-profile where local-address will be the router's address and clients will have an address from pppoe-pool:

      /ppp profile add name="pppoe-profile" local-address= remote-address=pppoe-pool
    3. Add a user with username mike and password 123:

      /ppp secret add name=mike password=123 service=pppoe profile=pppoe-profile
    4. Now add a pppoe server:

      /interface pppoe-server server add service-name=internet interface=wlan1 \ \... default-profile=pppoe-profile
    Packages required: ppp
    License required: Level1 (limited to 1 interface) , Level3 (limited to 200 interfaces) , Level4 (limited to 200 interfaces) , Level5 (limited to 500 interfaces) , Level6 (unlimited)
    Submenu level: /interface pppoe-server, /interface pppoe-client
    Standards and Technologies: PPPoE (RFC 2516)
    Hardware usage: PPPoE server may require additional RAM (uses approx. 9KiB (plus extra 10KiB for packet queue, if data rate limitation is used) for each connection) and CPU power. Maximum of 65535 connections is supported








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