a99456820 发表于 2005-6-2 11:51:58

DreamCat 发表于 2005-6-2 12:38:12


a99456820 发表于 2005-6-3 08:12:34

henrt 发表于 2005-6-3 11:00:12

CL使用DNSMASQ可以修改,我现在没用CL了,在我的Router上也是用DNSMASQ,我看过,修改/etc/dnsmasq.conf文件里的cache_size=150就可以了另外用命令行加参数 --cache-size=150也可以注意150是默认值

a99456820 发表于 2005-6-3 17:10:33

henrt 发表于 2005-6-4 10:21:31


DreamCat 发表于 2005-6-5 10:12:09

CL 的 /etc/dnsmasq.conf 文件里并没有 cache_size 项。你先参考 henrt 的设置试验下。我去查查资料。。

DreamCat 发表于 2005-6-5 10:33:37

汗,才找到资料。-c 参数 应该等同于在配置文件中使用 cache-size=默认是 300 条记录,如果设置为 0 则禁止了DNS缓冲。

       -c, --cache-size=            Set the size of dnsmasq's cache. The default is 300            names. Setting thecachesizetozerodisables            caching.

DNSMASQ(1)                                             DNSMASQ(1)NAME       dnsmasq - A caching DNS forwarder.SYNOPSIS       dnsmasq ...DESCRIPTION       dnsmasqisalightweight DNS forwarder.It accepts DNS       queries and either answers them from a small, local, cache       orforwardsthemtoareal, recursive, DNS server. It       loads the contents of /etc/hosts into the cache at startup       sothat local hostnames which do not appear in the global       DNS can be resolved. It can alsoreadhostnamesfroma       DHCPleases file so that local hosts which have addresses       allocated by DHCP can be named.       dnsmasq islightweightandeasytoconfigure.Itis       intendedasberunon NAT firewalls andprovide a DNS       service to a small LAN.OPTIONS       -h, --no-hosts            Don't read the hostnames in /etc/hosts.       -d, --no-daemon            Debug mode, don't forktothebackground,don't            writeapidfile, print a complete cache dump on            receipt on SIGUSR1.       -v, --version            Print the version number.       -p, --port=            Listen oninstead of the standardDNSport            (53). Useful mainly for debugging.       -i, --interface=            Listenonlyon the specified interface. More than            one interface may be specified. Dnsmasq always lis?             tensontheloopback (local) interface. If no -i            flags are given, dnsmasq listens onallavailable            interfaces.       -b, --bogus-priv            Bogusprivate reverse lookups. All reverse lookups            for private IP ranges(ie192.168.x.x,etc)are            resolved to their own IP address.       -r, --resolv-file=            ReadtheIP addresses of the upstream nameservers            from , instead of /etc/resolv.conf.Forthe            formatofthisfilesee resolv.conf(5) the only            lines relevant to dnsmasq are nameserver ones.       -m, --mx-host=            Return an mx record namedpointing to the            hostonwhichdnsmasq is running. This is useful            for directing mail from systems on a LAN to acen?             tral server.       -c, --cache-size=            Set the size of dnsmasq's cache. The default is 300            names. Setting thecachesizetozerodisables            caching.       -l, --dhcp-lease=            Read DHCP leases from the specified lease file. The            file is of the format created by the ISC dhcpdae?             mon:see dhcpd.leases(5) for details. Dnsmasq will            re-read the file as it changes. Any host which sets            the"hostname"or"client-hostname"option will            have that name inserted into dnsmasq's cache.       -s, --domain-suffix=            Specifies the domain which hosts read from the DHCP            leases file must have to be legal. The intention is            to constrain hostnames so that an untrusted host on            the LAN cannot advertise it's name via dhcp as e.g.            "microsoft.com" and capture traffic notmeantfor            it. If no domain suffix it specified, then any DHCP            hostname with a domain part (ie with a period) will            bedisallowedand logged. If suffix is specified,            then hostnames with a domain part are allowed, pro?             videdthe domain part matches the suffix. In addi?             tion, when a suffix is set then hostnames without a            domainparthavethe suffix added as an optional            domain part. Eg on my network I canset--domain-            suffix=thekelleys.org.ukandhave a machine whose            DHCP hostname is "laptop". The IP address forthat            machineis available from dnsmasq both as "laptop"            and "laptop.thekelleys.org.uk".NOTES       When it receives a SIGHUP, dnsmasq clearsitscacheand       re-loads /etc/hosts.       Whenitreceives a SIGUSR1, dnsmasq writes cache statis?      tics to the system log. It writes the cache size, the num?      berofnameswhichhavehad to removed from the cache       before they expired in order to make roomfornewnames       andthe total number of names have been inserted into the       cache. In --no-daemon mode, a complete dumpofthecon?      tents of the cache is made to stdout.       dnsmasqchecksthe modification time of /etc/resolv.conf       (or equivalent if --resolv-file is used) andre-readsit       ifitchanges.ThisallowstheDNS servers to be set       dynamically by PPP or DHCP. Absence of /etc/resolv.conf is       notanerror since it may not have been created before a       PPP connection exists. Dnsmasq simplykeepscheckingin       case /etc/resolv.conf is created at any time.       In order to configure dnsmasq to act as cache for the host       on which it isrunning,put"nameserver127.0.0.1"in       /etc/resolv.conf   and   put   the   realnameserversin       /etc/resolv.dnsmasq (or similar) then run dnsmasq with the       -r /etc/resolv.dnsmasq option.FILES       /etc/resolv.conf       /etc/hosts       /etc/dhcp.leases       /var/run/dnsmasq.pidSEE ALSO       dhcp.leases(5), hosts(5), resolver(5)AUTHOR       This   manual   page   was   written   by   Simon   Kelley       .                                                       DNSMASQ(1)

DreamCat 发表于 2005-6-5 10:36:34


DNSMASQ(8)                                                          DNSMASQ(8)NAME       dnsmasq - A caching DNS forwarder.SYNOPSIS       dnsmasq ...DESCRIPTION       dnsmasqisalightweightDNS forwarder.It accepts DNS queries and       either answers them from a small, local, cache or forwardsthemtoa       real,recursive,DNS server. It loads the contents of /etc/hosts into       the cache at startup so that local hostnames which do not appear in the       globalDNScanberesolved.It can also read hostnames from a DHCP       leases file so that local hosts which have addresses allocated byDHCP       can be named.       dnsmasq supports IPv6.       dnsmasqis lightweight and easy to configure. It is intended as be run       on small router/firewalls andprovide a DNS service to a LAN.OPTIONS       Note that in general missing parametersareallowedandswitchoff       functions, for instance "--pid-file=" disables writing a PID file.       -h, --no-hosts            Don't read the hostnames in /etc/hosts.       -H, --addn-hosts=            Additionalhostsfile.Readthespecifiedfileas well as            /etc/hosts. If -h is given, read onlythespecifiedfile.At            most one additional hosts file may be given.       -T, --local-ttl=            Whenreplyingwithinformationfrom/etc/hostsor the DHCP            leases file dnsmasq by default sets thetime-to-livefieldto            zero,meaningthattherequestor should not itself cache the            information. This is the correct thing to do in almost all situ-            ations.Thisoptionallowsa time-to-live (in seconds) to be            given for these replies. This will reduce the load on the server            attheexpenseof clients using stale data under some circum-            stances.       -d, --no-daemon            Debug mode: don't fork to thebackground,don'twriteapid            file,don'tchangeuser id, generate a complete cache dump on            receipt on SIGUSR1, log to stderr as well as syslog.       -q, --log-queries            Log the results of DNS queries handled by dnsmasq. Enable a full            cache dump on receipt of SIGUSR1.       -x, --pid-file=            Specifyanalternate path for dnsmasq to record its process-id            in. Normally /var/run/dnsmasq.pid.       -u, --user=            Specify the userid to which dnsmasq will changeafterstartup.            Dnsmasqmust normally be started as root, but it will drop root            priviledges after startup by changing id to anotheruser.Nor-            mallythisuseris"nobody" but that can be over-ridden with            this switch.       -g, --group=            Specify the group which dnsmasq will runas.Thedefaultsto            "dip",   if   available,    to    facilitate    access    to            /etc/ppp/resolv.conf which is not normally world readable.       -v, --version            Print the version number.       -p, --port=            Listen oninstead of the standard DNS port(53).Useful            mainly for debugging.       -Q, --query-port=            Send outbound DNS queries from, and listen for their replies on,            the specific UDP portinstead of usingonechosen            atruntime.   Usefultosimplify your firewall rules; without            this, your firewall would have to allow connections from outside            DNS servers to a range of UDP ports, or dynamically adapt to the            port being used by the current dnsmasq instance.       -i, --interface=            Listen only on the specified interface. More than oneinterface            may be specified. Dnsmasq always listens on the loopback (local)            interface. If no -i flags aregiven,dnsmasqlistensonall            available interfaces unless overridden by -a or -I flags.       -I, --except-interface=            Do not listen on the specified interface.       -a, --listen-address            Listenonlyonthe given IP address. As with -i more than one            address may be specified. Unlike -i theloopbackinterfaceis            notspecial: if dnsmasq is to listen on the loopback interface,            it's IP,, must be explicitly given. If no -a flags are            given,dnsmasq listens on all available interfaces unless over-            ridden by -i or -I flags.       -b, --bogus-priv            Bogus private reverse lookups. All reverse lookupsforprivate            IP   ranges(ie192.168.x.x,etc)whicharenotfoundin            /etc/hosts or the DHCPleasesfileareresolvedtotheIP            address in dotted-quad form.       -B, --bogus-nxdomain=            Transformreplieswhichcontain the IP address given into "No            such domain" replies. This is intended to counteractadevious            move made by Versign in September 2003 when they started return-            ing the address ofanadvertisingwebpageinresponseto            queriesfor unregistered names, instead of the correct NXDOMAIN            response. This option tells dnsmasq to fake the correct response            whenitseesthisbehaviour.As at Sept 2003 the IP address            being returnd by Verisign is       -f, --filterwin2k            Later versions of windows make periodic DNS requests which don't            getsensible answers from the public DNS and can cause problems            by triggering dial-on-demand links. This flag turns on an option            to filter such requests. The requests blocked are for records of            types SOA and SRV, and type ANY wheretherequestednamehas            underscores, to catch LDAP requests.       -r, --resolv-file=            ReadtheIP addresses of the upstream nameservers from ,            instead of /etc/resolv.conf. For the formatofthisfilesee            resolv.conf(5) the only lines relevant to dnsmasq are nameserver            ones. Dnsmasq can be told topollmorethanoneresolv.conf            file, the first file namespecified overrides the default, sub-            sequent ones add to the list. This is only allowed when polling;            thefile with the currently latest modification time is the one            used.       -R, --no-resolv            Don't read /etc/resolv.conf. Get upstream servers only fromthe            command line or /etc/dnsmasq.conf.       -o, --strict-order            Bydefault,dnsmasqwillsend queries to any of the upstream            servers it knows about and tries to favour servers to areknown            tobeup.Settingthis flag forces dnsmasq to try each query            witheachserverstrictlyintheorderthey   appear   in            /etc/resolv.conf       -n, --no-poll            Don't poll /etc/resolv.conf for changes.       -D, --domain-needed            Tellsdnsmasq to never forward queries for plain names, without            dots or domain parts, to upstream nameservers. Ifthenameis            notknowmfrom /etc/hosts or DHCP then a "not found" answer is            returned.       -S,       --server=[/[]/][[#][@[#]]]            Specify IP address of upsream severs directly. Setting this flag            doesnotsuppressreadingof/etc/resolv.conf, use -R to do            that. If one or more optional domains are given, that serveris            usedonly for those domains and they are queried only using the            specified server. This is intended for privatenameservers:if            youhave a nameserver on your network which deals with names of            the form xxx.internal.thekelleys.org.uk at then giv-            ing   theflag-S /internal.thekelleys.org.uk/ will            send all queriesforinternalmachinestothatnameserver,            everythingelsewill go to the servers in /etc/resolv.conf. An            empty domainspecification,//hasthespecialmeaningof            "unqualifiednamesonly"ie names without any dots in them. A            non-standard port may be specified as partoftheIPaddress            usinga#character.   More than one -S flag is allowed, with            repeated domain or ipaddr parts as required.            Also permitted is a -S flag whichgivesadomainbutnoIP            address;thistellsdnsmasq that a domain is local and it may            answer queries from /etc/hosts or DHCP but should neverforward            queries on that domain to any upstream servers.local is a syn-            onym for server to makeconfigurationfilesclearerinthis            case.            Theoptional second IP address after the @ character tells dns-            masq how to set the source address of the queries to thisname-            server.Itshouldbeanaddress belonging to the machine on            which dnsmasq is running otherwisethisserverlinewillbe            loggedand then ignored. The query-port flag is ignored for any            servers which have a source address specified but theportmay            be specified directly as part of the source address.       -A, --address=//            SpecifyanIPaddresstoreturnforany host in the given            domains.Queries in the domains are never forwarded andalways            repliedtowiththe specified IP address which may be IPv4 or            IPv6. To give both IPv4 and IPv6 addressesforadomain,use            repeated-Aflags.Note that /etc/hosts and DHCP leases over-            ride this for individual names. A common use of this is to redi-            recttheentiredoubleclick.net domain to some friendly local            web server to avoid banner ads.       -m, --mx-host=            Return an MX record namedpointing to the hostspeci-            fiedin the --mx-target switch or, if that switch is not given,            the host on which dnsmasq is running. This is useful for direct-            ing mail from systems on a LAN to a central server.       -t, --mx-target=            Specifytarget for the MX record returned by dnsmasq. See --mx-            host. Note that to turn on the MXfunction,atleastoneof            --mx-hostand --mx-target must be set. If only one of --mx-host            and --mx-target is set, the other defaults tothehostnameof            the machine on which dnsmasq is running.       -e, --selfmx            ReturnanMX record pointing to itself for each local machine.            Local machines are those in /etc/hosts or the DHCP leasesfile.       -L, --localmx            Returnan MX record pointing to the host given by mx-target (or            the machine on which dnsmasq is running) for each local machine.            Localmachines are those in /etc/hosts or the DHCP leases file.       -c, --cache-size=            Set the size of dnsmasq's cache. The default is 150 names.Set-            ting the cache size to zero disables caching.       -N, --no-negcache            Disablenegativecaching.Negativecaching allows dnsmasq to            remember "no such domain" answers from upstream nameserversand            answeridenticalquerieswithoutforwarding them again. This            flag disables negative caching.       -l, --dhcp-lease=            Read DHCP leases from the specified lease file. The fileisof            theformatcreated by the ISC dhcp daemon: see dhcpd.leases(5)            for details. Dnsmasq will re-read the file asitchanges.Any            hostwhich sets the "hostname" or "client-hostname" option will            have that name inserted into dnsmasq's cache.       -s, --domain-suffix=            Specifies the domain which hosts read from the DHCP leasesfile            musthaveto be legal. The intention is to constrain hostnames            so that an untrusted host on the LAN cannot advertise it'sname            viadhcpas e.g. "microsoft.com" and capture traffic not meant            for it. If no domain suffix is specified, then any DHCP hostname            withadomainpart(ie with a period) will be disallowed and            logged. If suffix is specified, thenhostnameswithadomain            partareallowed, provided the domain part matches the suffix.            In addition, when a suffixissetthenhostnameswithouta            domain part have the suffix added as an optional domain part. Eg            on my network I canset--domain-suffix=thekelleys.org.ukand            haveamachine whose DHCP hostname is "laptop". The IP address            for that machine is available from dnsmasq both as "laptop"and            "laptop.thekelleys.org.uk".       -E, --expand-hosts            Addthedomain-suffixtosimplenames (without a period) in            /etc/hosts in the same way as for DHCP-derived names.CONFIG FILE       At startup, dnsmasq reads /etc/dnsmasq.conf, if it exists.Theformat       ofthisfileconsistsofoneoption per line, exactly as the long       options detailed in the OPTIONS section. Lines starting with # are com-       mentsandignored.Foroptionswhichmayonly be specified once,       /etc/dnsmasq.conf overridesthecommandline.Usethe--conf-file       option to specify a different configuration file.NOTES       Whenitreceives a SIGHUP, dnsmasq clears its cache and then re-loads       /etc/hosts. If --no-poll is set SIGHUP also re-reads/etc/resolv.conf.       SIGHUP does NOT re-read /etc/dnsmasq.conf.       When it receives a SIGUSR1, dnsmasq writes cache statistics to the sys-       tem log. It writes the cache size, the number of names whichhavehad       to removed from the cache before they expired in order to make room for       new names and the total number of names havebeeninsertedintothe       cache. In --no-daemon mode or when full logging is enabled (-q), a com-       plete dump of the contents of the cache is made.       When it receives a SIGUSR2, dnsmasq re-scans networkinterfaces.This       isrequired if it is to listen for queries on newly created interfaces       or interfaces which have changed IP address. For this facility to work,       dnsmasq   mustbetoldtocontinuerunningasuserroot,using       --user=root       Dnsmasq is a DNS query forwarder: ititnotcapableofrecursively       answering arbitrary queries starting from the root servers but forwards       such queries to a fully recursive upstream DNS serverwhichistypi-       cally provided by an ISP. By default, dnsmasq reads /etc/resolv.conf to       discover the IP addresses of the upstream nameserversitshoulduse,       sincetheinformationis typically stored there. Unless --no-poll is       used, dnsmasq checks themodificationtimeof/etc/resolv.conf(or       equivalentif--resolv-fileisused) and re-reads it if it changes.       This allows the DNS servers to be set dynamically by PPP or DHCPsince       both protocols provide the information.Absence of /etc/resolv.conf is       not an error since it may not have been created before a PPP connection       exists.Dnsmasq simply keeps checking in case /etc/resolv.conf is cre-       ated atanytime.Dnsmasqcanbetoldtoparsemorethanone       resolv.conffile.This is useful on a laptop, where both PPP and DHCP       may be used: dnsmasq can be set to poll both/etc/ppp/resolv.confand       /etc/dhcpc/resolv.confandwill use the contents of whichever changed       last, giving automatic switching between DNS servers.       Upstream servers may also bespecifiedonthecommandlineorin       /etc/dnsmasq.conf. These server specifications optionally take a domain       name which tells dnsmasq to use that server only to find names inthat       particular domain.       Inorder to configure dnsmasq to act as cache for the host on which it       is running, put "nameserver"in/etc/resolv.conftoforce       localprocessestosendqueries to dnsmasq. Then either specify the       upstream servers directly to dnsmasqusing--serveroptionsorput       theiraddressesreal in another file, say /etc/resolv.dnsmasq and run       dnsmasq with the -r /etc/resolv.dnsmasq option. Thissecondtechnique       allows for dynamic update of the server addresses by PPP or DHCP.FILES       /etc/dnsmasq.conf       /etc/resolv.conf       /etc/hosts       /var/lib/dhcp/dhcp.leases       /var/run/dnsmasq.pidSEE ALSO       dhcp.leases(5), hosts(5), resolver(5)AUTHOR       This manual page was written by Simon Kelley .                                                                  DNSMASQ(8)

DreamCat 发表于 2005-6-5 11:06:34

真晕了,默认值居然有 3 种:150,300,600。还没细看版本呢。

a99456820 发表于 2005-6-7 08:26:55

a99456820 发表于 2005-6-8 08:35:53

henrt 发表于 2005-6-8 11:08:37



a99456820 发表于 2005-6-8 14:54:24

henrt 发表于 2005-6-8 16:32:26



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