ros hotspot IP地址池要跟lan一样?
ros hotspot IP地址池要跟lan一样?不然不能认证,不知道啥原因? 这是lan 的掩码问题. 本帖最后由 rosabc 于 2013-3-12 18:43 编辑要把使用的地址池转换出去,看我的。
这图片怎跟某人的那么熟悉........ 就说嘛!!是某人的呗!! 学某人搞个自己的头像
可以的。同一样物理网卡可以设置多个网段。比如在LAN内网用192.168.1.1、24 HOTSPOT用10.10.10.1、24都可以认证的。 本帖最后由 47771885 于 2013-3-13 00:39 编辑
这个帖子要回。。。竟然有人对YAWPYNG 兄不敬真是 。。
关于 LAN 客户端任意IP (即插即用)认证需求 环境
(客户端 设置 完整的IP 体系 IP 掩码 网关 DNS)
ROS 热点开启 即插即用常规 设置
address-pool 设置成 相对应的接口 DHCP 分配的 ip pool (网段?)
(实验证明 开启 即插即用后 ROS 会响应他接受到的所有 arp 请求 并积极响应 比如
客户端 手动设置 IP 网关
客户端询问 ros 会告诉电脑他就是 电脑接受到
就开始 和ROS 下一步通讯。ROS 建立对应的IP NAT 关系。。从而达到即插即用。。。
这样 内网通讯 大多数 均会收到 热点服务器的 干扰。。除非他很忙的时候 :lol )
这样就算是开启了 即插即用
如果是 使用外部 radius
这样基本就可以了 (省略 radius 对接部分设置)
楼主的答案 应该是 是要一样的:lol 如YAWPYNG兄回复一样
(回帖定期清理) 顶起来让更多的人学习一下
rosabc 发表于 2013-3-12 18:42 static/image/common/back.gif
怎么转换?详细点看看! zm215107133 发表于 2013-3-13 11:48 static/image/common/back.gif
我说的"转换"说的太笼统了,实际是把hotspot分配的地址池也要"伪装"出去。 3楼的怎么设置的呢?DHCP必须要跟LAN口的一致吧 295415910 发表于 2013-3-13 13:03 static/image/common/back.gif
Getting an Address
First of all, a client have to get an IP address. It may be set on the client statically, or leased from a DHCP server. The DHCP server may provide ways of binding lent IP addresses to clients MAC addresses, if required. The HotSpot system does not care how client get an address before he/she gets to the HotSpot login page.
Moreover, HotSpot server may automatically and transparently change any IP address (yes, meaning really any IP address) of a client to a valid unused address from the selected IP pool. If a user is able to get his/her Internet connection working at their place, he/she will be able to get his/her connection working in the HotSpot network. This feature gives a possibility to provide a network access (for example, Internet access) to mobile clients that are not willing (or are disallowed, not qualified enough or otherwise unable) to change their networking settings. The users will not notice the translation (i.e., there will not be any changes in the users' config), but the router itself will see completely different (from what is actually set on each client) source IP addresses on packets sent from the clients (even the firewall mangle table will 'see' the translated addresses). This technique is called one-to-one NAT, but is also known as "Universal Client" as that is how it was called in the RouterOS version 2.8.
One-to-one NAT accepts any incoming address from a connected network interface and performs a network address translation so that data may be routed through standard IP networks. Clients may use any preconfigured addresses. If the one-to-one NAT feature is set to translate a client's address to a public IP address, then the client may even run a server or any other service that requires a public IP address. This NAT is changing source address of each packet just after it is received by the router (it is like source NAT that is performed early in the packet path, so that even firewall mangle table, which normally 'sees' received packets unaltered, can only 'see' the translated address). rosabc 发表于 2013-3-12 19:12 static/image/common/back.gif