梁大口 发表于 2003-11-10 23:53:31

还是用NT + 代理软件好呢?

kubilezy 发表于 2003-11-11 02:07:35

FLI4L is a Linux-based ISDN-, DSL- and Ethernet router, which only needs ONE floppy disk to work. Sufficient hardware would be a 486 PC with 16 MB of RAM.

The boot disk, which is essential for FLI4L, may be generated under Unix, Linux or Windows. You will not need any knowledge of Linux itself to do so - but it大 no fault to have any knowledge about Linux or Unix. Base knowledge about networking, TCP/IP, DNS and routing should be available. If you want to enlarge the functionality of FLI4L with your own development, you will need a working Linux system and additionally knowledge about/of Unix/Linux.

Since version 2.0 FLI4L "officially" supports other boot media than floppy disks. Now it大 possible to install more software packages on the FLI4L router; more than there would have been if only a floppy disk can be used.
Before you begin to create a FLI4L installation for hard disk or compact flash media, you should already have successfully installed a "standard" floppy disk configuration as a base installation.
Most optional software packages (OPT packages) may already be available if only a floppy disk installation had been created. Therefor it may only be necessary to use a hard disk if you want to install the whole software palette, available for FLI4L.

[ top ]
Creation of a boot floppy disk under Linux, Unix and Windows
Configuration by using a single ASCII file
Support for IP masquerading and port forwarding
Least-Cost-Routing: automatical selection of provider - depending on (day) time
Display/calculation/protocol of connect times and costs
Windows/Unix/Linux client imonc incl. interface to imond and telmond
Upload of new configuration data/files via Windows client imonc
Boot floppy disk with vfat file system for permanent storage of files
Support for 1680kB floppy disks
Packet filter: Logging of remote access to restricted/denied ports
Consistent implementation of WAN interfaces via (so called) circuits
Operation/Routing of ISDN and DSL circuits is possible in parallel
see also...
[ top ]
Linux kernel 2.2.19
Packet filter and IP masquerading (for security of/in FLI4L see chapter: Appendix)
DNS server, to avoid access of Windows PCs to WAN for most of their requests
Networking capability for imond server with monitor and LCR control function
Networking capability for telmond server for output of incoming telephone calls
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Ethernet Support:
Actual network adaptor drivers: Support for more than 40 adaptor families
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Roaring Penguin PPPoE driver; with Dial-on-Demand (de-selectable)
PPTP for DSL connections in Austria and the Netherlands (EXPERIMENTAL)
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ISDN support:
Actual HiSaX drivers: Support for 37 ISDN adaptor types
Several ISDN connection variants: in/out/callback, raw-ip/ppp
Channel combination: automatic bandwidth selection or manual
selection of the 2nd channel via Windows/Unix client
optional IPX routing
[ top ]
Optional program packages:
DNS server
DHCP server
SSH login
Telnet and/or FTP Service
Simple online/offline Display via LED
LCD display program with changeable output format
Serial console as option (how-to see: Appendix)
Mini web server for monitoring
IPSEC modules ipsec and pptp
Restricted access for spec. networks from remote
Protocol of system messages:: syslogd und klogd
Configuration of ISA-PNP-adaptors: isapnp tools
Additional tools for debugging
Configuration of serial port
Emergency system for remote control via ISDN
LCD display as monitor: Display for connections and connection data
PPP server/router via serial port
ISDN modem emulator via serial port
print server
Access to time server for synchronisation of time in the network
Execution of commands/procedures when a telephone call occurs (ex.: internet dial-in)
Support for IP aliasing (more than one IP address on one network adaptor)
[ top ]
Hardware requirements:
ISDN: '386 CPU from 25 MHz, recomm.: '486 from 33 MHz
DSL: '486 CPU from DX2/66, recomm.: '486 DX4/100 or Pentium from 75 MHz
8 MB memory, recomm. 16 MB
Ethernet network adaptor (support for more than 40 different adaptor families)
ISDN: ISDN adaptor supported by HiSax (Typ 1-37), AVM-B1 ISA/PCI or ICN-2B
No drives, except floppy disk drive
1 boot floppy disk; with all necessary files and data on it
see also...
[ top ]
For control/status display of the FLI4L router there is another tool: the client imonc. This program is available fo Windows (windows/imonc.exe) and also for Linux (unix/gtk-imonc).

And now...

Have lots of fun with fli4l!

心想事成 发表于 2003-11-11 15:39:10


yagamixp 发表于 2003-11-12 18:49:34


外来人 发表于 2003-11-14 19:18:08


hcd737p 发表于 2003-11-14 23:06:25


chwsqx 发表于 2003-12-14 20:13:57


szxsztszk 发表于 2003-12-16 15:00:18


页: [1]
查看完整版本: [问题]用有硬盘的主机做路由哪一个软件好用些呢?