难道是外国朋友? 你说的我看懂了,可惜偶不会! Boot pix444.bin from Floppy disk, the firewall is functional OK. I want to boot pix631.bin, so that I try to using the following setting on my CF Card.
Install Grub into my CF
using the following command
map (hd0,0)/pix631.bin (fd0)
chainloader (hd0,0)/pix631.bin
rootnoverify (fd0)
at the console, I can only get "Finesse floppy bootstrap(V2.0)" and the pc is rebooting. And other pix???.bin got the same result
I rememeber someone have use the above steps to boot it successfully. Have anyone teach me how to fix it?
Thanks you all of your helping
他用pix444.bin 时 firewal就正常启动了,但是他现在要用 pix631.bin写到CF卡上,他用的是以下命令:
map (hd0,0)/pix631.bin (fd0)
chainloader (hd0,0)/pix631.bin
rootnoverify (fd0)
在COM1口上只看到"Finesse floppy bootstrap(V2.0)" 和PC不断重启!他听说有人用这个做成功过!叫我们回复帮助他!"Thanks you all of your helping"是说谢谢所有帮他的人!
我翻亿大约是这样子了,我万事具备,就只差FLASH卡了,没钱买呀!这位朋友是想升级他的PIX,但他用了PIX631.BIN做启动不行,PIX631.BIN这个版本好像是不行的呀!还请高手指点!!! 这个贴子是唯一有人自己说成功的,还是个很老的版本。
新的有人成功吗? 用了cisco的ISA Flash Card就可以做成功的.而且也很稳定,已经运行了六个月. 听说PIX其实是QNX做的 见识了~~~!!谢谢了