glwdc168 发表于 2003-10-22 22:39:22

都说BBI好,我也想先试一试再购买注册.我用的是东芝笔记本电脑(440CDT),配置为:Intel MMX CPU,16M RAM,两块D-Link DE660网卡.但按照制作向导做出的启动盘启动后不能正常运行.
    Loading driver of D-Link DE-660 PCMCIA Ethernet for LAN ...
    Linux Kernel Card Services 3.1.22
    Intel PCIC probe:
      Intel i82365sl B setp ISA-to-PCMCIA at port 0*3e0 ofs 0*00,2sockets
      host opts :none
      host opts :none
      ISA irqs (scanned)=3,4,5,7,9,10,12,14,15 status change on irq 15
    eth0:error fetching interface information:Device not found
    *** WARNING : WAN NIC may not be configured properly
    BBIagent router with PPPoE is ready
    Open URL with a web broser for router administration
从提示信息看,似乎是成功启动了,但又不能ping通该IP地址,是IRQ没设好?还是PCMCIA网卡的桥接芯片设置不对? 或者还有其它原因?
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查看完整版本: [讨论] 如何制作两块D-Link DE660网卡的启动盘?