What's new in 5.0beta3 (2010-Jun-17 13:46):
What's new in 5.0beta3 (2010-Jun-17 13:46):*) hotspot - drop hotspot specific tcp connections from non-hotspot clients
already at firewall;
*) lcd - added support for AX89063
*) console - output of '/ping' and '/tool traceroute' commands is more
in line with the rest of the console commands;
*) api - '/ping' and '/tool traceroute' commands are fully functional;
*) console - added 'server' and 'server-port' arguments to '/resolve' command;
*) lcd - show free/total memory in units of million bytes (MB);
*) lcd - added page that shows system identity;
*) sstp - made it work with Windows 7;
*) sstp server - client reconnects did not work;
*) winbox - implemented proper maximize support for inner windows;
*) fix 5&10MHz channel support for 11n cards;
*) added IRQ balancer;
*) enabled PCI MSI on i386 multicore setups; 最下面那两项.在官方论坛一直顶贴. 吵翻了才加的.