9)设置NAT共享上网: ip --》firewall -source nat ,选择 + 号,选择action,action里面选择 masquerade ,其余选择默认即可 至此,共享上网就完成了
9)设置NAT共享上网: ip --》firewall -source nat ,选择 + 号,选择action,action里面选择nat,至此,共享上网就完成了
我们选择SNAT而不用MASQUERADE是有原因的。主要的原因是我们的防火墙有静态IP地址,使用SNAT会更快更有效。还有一个原因是我们要在这个例子中展示它的作用以及怎样使用它。如果你没有静态的IP地址,要想实现SNAT,还是使用MASQUERADE为好,因为它简单易用,而且它可以自动获得IP地址。当然,计算机的消耗会多一点,但如果你使用DHCP,这样做是很值得的。 wsgtrsys呵呵,改成NAT后游戏照旧,可网页打不开。。。固定IP光纤 mss + queue 我试了也是一样,不能打开网叶,如果src.address改成192.168.0.024 的话外网映射的可连接,如果不改就不能连接,晕忽忽的 谁抓一个这里设置的图上来,我给大家讲一下。 不行啊老大。ping 不出去 NotesThe source nat can masquerade several private networks, and use individual to-src-address foreach of them.Masquerading chooses outgoing packets' source addresses according to the preferred-addressproperty of the relevant route.ExampleTo use masquerading, a source NAT rule with action=masquerade should be added to the src-natrule set: ip firewall src-nat> add src-address= \\... out-interface=wlan1 action=masquerade ip firewall src-nat> printFlags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic0 src-address= dst-address= protocol=all icmp-options=any:any flow=""connection="" content="" limit-count=0 limit-burst=0 limit-time=0saction=masquerade to-src-address= to-src-port=0-65535 ip firewall src-nat>If the packet matches the masquerade rule, then the router opens a connection to the destination,and sends out a modified packet with its own address and a port allocated for this connection. Therouter keeps track about masqueraded connections and performs the "demasquerading" of packets,which arrive for the opened connections. For filtering purposes, you may want to specify theto-src-ports argument value, say, to 60000-65535If you want to change the source address:port to specific adress:port, use the action=nat instead ofaction=masquerade: ip firewall src-nat> add src-address= out-interface=wlan1 action=nat to-src-address= ip firewall src-nat> printFlags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic0 src-address= dst-address= protocol=all icmp-options=any:any flow=""connection="" content="" limit-count=0 limit-burst=0 limit-time=0saction=nat to-src-address= to-src-port=0-65535 ip firewall src-nat>Here, the: src-address - can be IP host's address, for example,, or network address192.168.0.0/24 to-src-address - can be one address, or a range, say The addressesshould be added to the router's interface, or should be routed to it from the gateway router. 改了后出不去了。。。