cotacota 发表于 2004-10-24 14:58:12看看他都有什么:K N O W L E D G ELinuxGeneral- Red Hat / SuSE Linux Installation - Basic Systemconfiguration of both distributions- Debugging of daemons - Installation and configuration of commercial / propritary software   (i.E. InterScan VirusWall by TrendMicro) - Adjustment of filesystem parameter (Performance) - Setup of quotas - Setup of Cron-Jobs - Setup of a backup with TAR - Setup of additional hardware like   streamer, harddisks, networkcards, etc. ) - Kernel adjustment and update - Management of libraries - Compiling and installation of programs from sourcecodeInternet services- WEB: Apache Webserver 1.3.28 with PHP,   MySQL and Perl - Support - POP: Qpopper as POP3 Server - SMTP: Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix as SMTP-MTA - IMAP: CyrusIMAP Server (+ Sendmail ) - DNS: Bind 9 DNS Server - PROXY: Dante Socks v4/v5 - Proxy - PROXY: Squid HTTP, HTTPS, DNS Proxy - PROXY: SquidGuard - Content Filter for Squid - DB: MySQL Server ( v3.23.37 )Routing / Security- IP-Tables / Netfilter - Standard IP-Routing - IP Policy-Routing - Setup of a ISDN Router ( incl. Hardware ) - Setup of a DSL Router ( incl. Hardware ) - Squid Policies - FreeS/WAN IPSec VPN - PPtP Daemon ( Point-to-Point tunneling Protocol ) - Secure Shell Daemon - Nessus Security Scanner - PKIProgramming- BASH (Shell) - CGI / Perl - PHP - MySQL - JavaScriptSome add. Software- TrendMicro InterScan VirusWall for Linux - Lotus Domino R5 Server - HylaFAX Server - SAMBA & NFS Server   WindowsGeneral- Windows 3.1 / 3.11 / 95 / 98 - Windows NT4 ( Server and Client ) - Windows 2000 ( Server and Client ) - Windows XP - Installation Hardware & Software - Netzwerkadministration - Installation of Patches (Hotfix) and Service PacksSoftware- MS Office Products - Windows 2000 Terminalservice - Lotus Notes / Domino R5 und R6 - MS Exchange 2000 Server - Setup of the Active Directory - MS DNS Server - Installation IIS - HylaFAX Client for Windows ( virtual printer ) - Some tools for networkmanagement / security-scanner   NetworkGeneral- TCP/IP protocol - Ethernet & Token Ring protocol - TCP/IP Routing - IP/GRE & IPIP Tunneling-Protocol - OSPF (Open Shortest Path First),   BGP (Border Gateway Protocol),   RIP-2 Routingprotocols - Switch / HUB / Bridge technologies - SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)CISCO- CISCO IOS 12.1 - CISCO 2610 : Change / add / deletion of routes - CISCO 800 : Setup of ISDN connection - CISCO 800 : Installation / update to newer IOS versions (TFTP) - CISCO 2610 / 800 : Debugging of routinga and connection issues- GRE / EIGRP Protocol   Different- Projectmanagement ( LR101 ) - Securityconception and technologies
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