??What are Coyote's hardware requirements?It requires a PC-standard computer with a 1.44MB diskette drive, and two supported network cards (or one network card and a modem, for dial-up use). Most of the popular ISA and PCI network cards are supported. No hard drive is used. A 486DX CPU (any speed) and 12MB or more RAM are recommended. For PPPoE or an especially fast internet connection (i.e. several Mbps), a 66MHz or faster CPU is recommended. If you plan to use any add-ons, at least 16MB of RAM is recommended. Anything more than a Pentium I and 64MB RAM is probably wasted. A working Windows (95 or later) or full-distro Linux system is needed to create the initial boot diskette, and can be handy for later modifications, but is not needed for CL operation.