源于海创达Fuxi的系统编程工具Fuxi (pronounced foo-shee), is a general-purpose, concurrent, object-oriented, declarative programming language, designed for use in application and systems programming, and implemented to meet the demands of network computing and mobility, and to provide a vehicle for rapid prototyping of software. It intends to make programming enjoyable, through the well-designed combination of the best ideas found in object-oriented, concurrent, functional, and logical programming paradigms, and the embodiment of a design philosophy: simplicity, efficiency, uniformity and consistency with conventions. So, Fuxi adopts a syntactical system and an object model strongly influenced by major current languages, such as C/C++, C#, JAVA, though the language itself is more declarative.Fuxi reflects the major aspects of object orientation. But Fuxi differs from C++ and JAVA, in that it differentiates methods into functions, clauses, and triggers, and gives them a uniform syntax through pattern matching. The notable language features include: [*]the orthogonal stylization of objects;
[*]the guarded fields;[*]the pattern extending and overriding in inheritance;[*]the scripted object definition. These features power the language with great expressiveness
Fuxi(伏羲)程序设计语言是一种面向对象的、并发的、函数型与逻辑型语言相结合的程序设计语言。Fuxi语言是一种C++风格的说明性语言,它继承了C++简洁的风格和说明性语言强大的表达能力,是继JAVA、C#之后推出的又一面向互联网的新型程序设计语言。语言特点[*]简单易学:Fuxi语言具有和C++相类似的语言构件,有过C/C++编程经验的初学者一看即懂,一学即会。 [*]跨平台计算:Fuxi编译器将Fuxi源程序编译成平台无关的Fuxi对象图(FOG),由安装在不同平台上的Fuxi抽象机(FXAM)来对FOG进行图规约计算。 [*]强大的语言表达能力:Fuxi语言是说明性语言同面向对象技术的结合,它将计算、推理、查询及分布式于一体,提高了系统的建构效率、丰富了程序设计风格、改善了编程环境。 [*]正交的对象风格化:同一类型可以定义不同风格的对象,简化了程序的类型体系。对象可以具有active, persistent, remote, mobile等风格,Fuxi平台提供这些风格的实现。 [*]实用性强:Fuxi语言可以编写控制台应用、单文档或多文档应用、网页中Fuxi applet插件及大型的企业级应用,同时我们也正在开展Fuxi的嵌入式应用研究。 我们设计Fuxi语言不是为了去证明一个观点,而是去解决一些问题。Fuxi语言来源于实践,服务于应用。