动态限速(上传固定速度,下载动态限速)说明:上传固定1M ,总下载达到15M自动开启下载限速(4M),低于5M自动关闭下载限速
:for user from 2 to 254 do={/queue simple add name=$user target-addresses=("193.168.1." . $user . "/32") max-limit=1000000/4000000}
/ system script
add name="node_off" source=":for aaa from 2 to 254 do={/queue sim set $aaa direction=upload}"
add name="node_on" source=":for aaa from 2 to 254 do={/queue sim set $aaa direction=both}"
/ tool traffic-monitor
add name="down_15M" interface=wan traffic=received trigger=above \
threshold=15000000 on-event=node_on comment="" disabled=no
add name="down_5M" interface=wan traffic=received trigger=below \
threshold=5000000 on-event=node_off comment="" disabled=no 会在临界工作时跳来跳去。 这样的话,机器的负荷会很重啊。 对经常会出现临界状态 过来学习下!!! 表面上看这些规则很高尚,还带监视器,但在实际应用中却是不实用。