sweet191 发表于 2004-10-9 10:51:37

QUOTE (哈啤猫 @ Oct 6 2004, 03:45 PM)
呵呵,有人又喝多了。哈哈~~其实,如果要研究web cache的话,SQUID绝对是典范。我曾经很下功夫研究了一下呢,包括目录、子目录数量等等。
谢谢大虾的指导,具体的web cache大小应该设置成多少M?网吧用,100台PC,其它的目录什么的怎么设置呢?

DreamCat 发表于 2004-10-9 11:43:18


samhui 发表于 2004-10-11 01:27:32

QUOTE (cloudq @ Oct 6 2004, 10:35 PM)
我已经不得不说话了!!给大家介绍几款产品大家学习一下吧.....呵呵首先是cisco的cache engine 基于wccp协议intel x86平台..具体资料自己查询..北电也有相关产品..也是非常优秀的...

samhui 发表于 2004-10-11 01:28:45

QUOTE (cloudq @ Oct 6 2004, 11:51 PM)
特别是Cisco的PIX 的ios是一个很好软件

liusimin 发表于 2004-10-11 01:30:40


samhui 发表于 2004-10-11 01:35:09

QUOTE (liusimin @ Oct 11 2004, 01:30 AM)

gxucbx 发表于 2005-12-5 18:05:16

大家可以考虑使用summary cache系统,是美国的一个大学研究项目,代码可以下载,是基于squid的系统,可以在linux系统上跑,有相关的研究论文,比飞鱼的技术强多了,那个才是真材实料!

gxucbx 发表于 2005-12-7 15:28:15

Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol
Li Fan, Pei Cao and Jussara Almeida
Computer Sciences Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Andrei Z. Broder
Systems Research Center
Digital Equipment Corporation



To Appear in SIGCOMM'98.

The corrected version of the 12-page paper in SIGCOMM'98 is here.

The implementation of Summary Cache in Squid 1.1.14 is here.

Here is the 20-page technical report version in HTML.

Here is technical report in compressed postscript. The technical report can be referenced as Technical Report 1361, Department of Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Feb 1998.

List of typos in the paper in the SIGCOMM'98 Proceedings:

Page 256, table 1, the Max. Hit Ratio for UPisa trace is 49%, not 40%;
Page 259, the right column, (1 - e^(kn/m))^k should be (1-e^(-kn/m))^k;
Page 262, second column, "Each proxy needs about 200MB to represent all the summaries plus another 8MB to represent its own counters."
Thank you all for pointing out the typos.

The sharing of caches among Web proxies is an important technique to reduce Web traffic and alleviate network bottlenecks. Nevertheless it is not widely deployed due to the overhead of existing protocols. In this paper we demonstrate the benefits of cache sharing, measure the overhead of the existing protocols, and propose a new protocol called ``Summary Cache''. In this new protocol, each proxy keeps a summary of the cache directory of each participating proxy, and checks these summaries for potential hits before sending any queries. Two factors contribute to our protocol's low overhead: the summaries are updated only periodically, and the directory representations are very economical, as low as 8 bits per entry. Using trace-driven simulations and a prototype implementation, we show that, compared to existing protocols such as the Internet Cache Protocol (ICP), Summary Cache reduces the number of inter-cache protocol messages by a factor of 40 to 65}, reduces the bandwidth consumption by over 50%, eliminates 75% and 95% of the protocol CPU overhead, all while maintain ing almost the same cache hit ratio as ICP. Hence Summary Cache scales to a large number of proxies.


zzf 发表于 2006-2-8 23:01:32


samhui 发表于 2006-2-10 22:56:03

原帖由 gxucbx 于 2005-12-7 15:28 发表
Summary Cache: A Scalable Wide-Area Web Cache Sharing Protocol
Li Fan, Pei Cao and Jussara Almeida
Computer Sciences Department
U ...

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