新人请教 ROS防火墙中的NTH三个值的含义
如题。不知道NTH这三个值是什么含义。有人能告诉一下吗?谢谢 Nthexample: nth=Every,Counter,Packet nth=2,3,0. 2,3,1 2,3,2
divide all packets into groups of three (2+1). The packets will be numbered from 0 to 2. So, a sequence of packets the rule matches looks like: (0 1 2)(0 1 2)(0 1 2)(0 1 2)(0 1 2)...
the first rule will match the first packet in each group ("Packet"=0). The second rule will match the second packet in each group ("Packet"=1) and so on. Each successful match increments the counter. When a value of "Every" is reached, the counter is reset to 0. For this to work, the "Counter" should be the same for all rules (you can pick any value from 0 to 15, IIRC). 我E文不过关。。
假设我们有100个包到分发,三线我们将包编号从0,1,2 。所以,一个序列的数据包规则看起来是这样的: (0,1,2),(0,1,2),(0,1,2)如此循环。。。。。。这是我们人脑的思维
所以,一般的三线NTH:2,3,0 2,3,1 2,3,2
每行第二个固定的3,任意取值! 一般取线数
[ 本帖最后由 LW2008 于 2008-12-6 18:16 编辑 ] 太感谢了,找了很久!! 学习了,谢谢