心想事成 发表于 2004-9-29 00:25:52

An easy-to-use, self-configuring OpenBSD-based firewall with a web interface. 功能简介:---------------------------------------------------------------------------            ___ SOFI ___SIMPLE OPENBSD FIREWALL INTERFACE               Written by Mark Heily ---------------------------------------------------------------------------SOFI is a simple firewall configuration for use with OpenBSD. The majordesign goals are:   o   to automate the process of configuring an OpenBSD server       to act as a gateway to the Internet;   o   to give trusted users some administrative control without       divulging the root password or creating system accounts for them;   o   to allow people without UNIX or OpenBSD knowledge to perform       basic administrative tasks through a web interface;   o   to allow the principal administrator to quickly access information      about the machine (e.g., process tables and system load)It provides:        oNetwork address translation (NAT a.k.a IP masqerading)        oPacket filtering        oPort forwarding        oDNS        oDHCP        oA simple web interfaceOpenBSD is a free Unix-like operating system based on 4.4 BSD. It's primary focus is security, making it ideal for use as a bastion hostor firewall. SOFI is designed to be installed over a fresh installation of OpenBSD. It will download the necessary components, install, and configure them with a minimum of user intervention.=================TABLE OF CONTENTS================= - Obtaining SOFI - License - Quick start guide - Installation instructions - Errata - ChangeLog================OBTAINING SOFI================The latest version of SOFI is located at:        http://www.heily.com/mark/sofiQuestions, comments, etc., should be directed to:        mark.dev@heily.comREFERENCESOpenBSD                http://www.openbsd.org主页:http://sourceforge.net/projects/sofi-firewall/

yabug 发表于 2004-9-29 17:53:18


心想事成 发表于 2004-9-29 18:12:28


txwwy 发表于 2004-10-7 20:55:41


tlm009 发表于 2004-10-8 15:03:12


心想事成 发表于 2004-10-8 15:44:24


0984 发表于 2004-10-16 18:36:05


心想事成 发表于 2004-11-27 19:52:17

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