应该是3。12有超大BUG ROS官方网站已经取消了。下掉了。妈的,害的我下午搞了一下午,老是死机。
官方取消下载?我怎么还能看到? For all of you who has x86 router and want to upgrade to v3.12, please take a note that the upgrade will crash the router if you have a simple queue rules on it. If you have installed fresh v3.12 then after adding one single simple queue rule the router will crash and you will need to reinstall.
For now use v3.11 on x86 boxes.
This applies only to x86 architecture. 不能用简单队列限速。不然ROS就挂了。
[ 本帖最后由 wbyz20 于 2008-8-14 14:06 编辑 ] 可惜都没有D版式的。