What's new in 3.0rc2:*)
New features commentary:
*) installation and boot of USB sticks/drives with RouterOS
Netinstall can now install RouterOS on USB drives.Minitowers
and rackmounts with bios's that support USB boot can now easily boot
from USB flash/hard drives.The USB flash sticks are available in
most electronics stores and are a suitable replacement from IDE
flashdrives and CF with IDE adaptors.It might be advisable to find
a secure place to connect the USB stick so that it can't be knocked
off easily.As of v3rc2,there is one problem that you should not
have a hard drive with RouterOS in the same system or the boot
program on the USB drive will find the hard drive with RouterOS and
probably boot that instead of the RouterOS on the USB stick -- we
will work on fixing this.
说道可以U盘启动,不知道怎么做啊?? 没人应答啊???? 3.X的才可以。对U盘和主板的兼容要求高 有3.x的 ”可用“版本么?? 3.10的我试过,把U盘格式化成硬盘启动盘模式 你有 3.10 的 L几?