# 1.3b10 (03/01/2008)* WARNING: this version (any platform) no longer fits on 8 MB CF cards! (>= 10 MB required)
* allow fragmented ESP and NAT-T encapsulated IPsec packets when using the integrated IPsec support (should solve MTU issues)
* added patch to make mini_httpd accept intermediate SSL CA certificates
* use NTP vendor pool zone for m0n0wall instead of pool.ntp.org (this will also be automatically replaced in existing installations on the first boot)
* fix MSNTP to properly handle server hostnames that start with a digit
* updated base system to FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE-p1
* copied dhclient-script from m0n0wall 1.233 (in an attempt at solving the sporadic DHCP renewal problems reported by some users)
* fix MPD WAN PPPoE/PPTP auto-reconnect issue
* webGUI HTML tidyness fixes by Daniel S. Haischt
* put IPSTEALTH in kernel config so that it can be enabled via sysctl if needed
* updated ipsec-tools to 0.7 :lol能翻译过来更好.应该改进很大吧
斑竹.. 辛苦你拉..翻译过来.. 如果你连这些基础的英文都不会的话,建议你回到学校好好学习,天天向上! 这版好像有问题.看CPU使用率要等很久
还是显示不出来 :lol 都是民工出身当网管.现在没机会回学校了 原帖由 baby0803 于 2008-3-6 16:35 发表 http://bbs.routerclub.com/images/common/back.gif
如果你从1.2升上来的,那么请你重新安装1.3B10版本。1.3B10版本不建议直接从1.2上升级! 原帖由 csj1314 于 2008-3-6 20:27 发表 http://bbs.routerclub.com/images/common/back.gif
:lol 都是民工出身当网管.现在没机会回学校了
学校24小时为你开放,国家现在有全日制,夜大,成人,自学考!只要你肯学,途经还是很多的! 装了下..确实看不到CPU使用率和流量........... 如果你是全新安装的还看不到的话,请使用FF浏览器!