cloudsea 发表于 2004-8-21 11:26:02

SM一直有VPN选项,以前尝试过几次,都没有成功前些时间拿到Smoothwall-Corpserv-3 的SN,马上在VM里装装看,我想即然是商版,VPN 肯定支持的比较好吧.... 可是..说明 一直看不明白,请高人指教ing~ 如下是VPN 配置面版原文帮助:This IP address is used if your SmoothWall is on a dialup connection. Only if the dialup IP matches this IP will the VPN be brought up automatically. This is you can use multiple ISP profiles, but control which one if them is to be associated with your VPN configuration.The Enable checkbox will tell SmoothWall to automatically bring up the Enabled VPN tunnels when the RED interface comes up. Even when disabled, it is still possible to manually bring up the tunnels.The Manual Control and Status section will show the current status of any VPN tunnels. To stop all VPN tunnels click the Stop button. To restart (in case of failure) please click the Restart button.ConnectionsAdd a New Connection: To add a new connection, you must fill out all the boxes in this form and the details filled into the form on the other end must match EXACTLY with yours. This is why the Inport and Export features are useful. Fields are as follows:Name: A simple name to reference this connection. Use lowercase letters only.Left/Right: The internet IP address of the Left/Right side of the connection.Left/Right subnet: The network of the left/right hand side (e.g. would include 192.168.0.*).Secret: The password for the connection.To add the connection, fill in all fields and click the Add button. If you wish to add the connection without enabling it, please uncheck the Enabled box.Compress: This activates zlib compression on the tunnel. Both ends must agree on this setting. Current Connections: This list displays current connections and their information. To remove a connection, check its tickbox and click the Remove button. To edit (including enable/disable functions), check the connections tickbox and then click the Edit button.Import/Export: To export settings, simply click the Export button. These can then be imported to SmoothWall by using the Browse button to find the saved file on your hardrive and uploading it using the form by using the Import button to upload them to your SmoothWall. This is best used by exporting your settings and sending them to the person at the other end of your VPN connection to import to ensure all settings match. Note that the export file contains the VPN secret information, so you must ensure that the file is transfered securely! Either put it on a floppydisk and mail it, or use a secure Internet link such as a PGP encrypted mail or https to the other SmoothWall.其中关于 :Left/Right: The internet IP address of the Left/Right side of the connection.Left/Right subnet: The network of the left/right hand side (e.g. would include 192.168.0.*).一直无法准确理解为何意.... 是否是指远程接入的IP 与接入后系统分配的IP之间的映射关系?因为无法准确理解,所以 也就无法查得VPN 失败的原因...请大侠指点....

cloudsea 发表于 2004-8-22 12:00:19

没有朋友玩SM的VPN吗?汗... 高手指点下 ,帮助原意即可... 谢过..

yabug 发表于 2004-8-22 13:44:10


cloudsea 发表于 2004-8-22 22:44:39

没有道理啊...是否需要专用的拨号客户端呢?free版的,我也有试,也是不行,看到VPN 状态已启动,连接用户名也创建了(不过,不晓得是否正确!^_^)在XP下,连接,总是失败.....郁闷ing~~

zhyum1 发表于 2004-8-23 23:08:30

是不是跟加密 有关呀 我公司买了台硬件防火墙 NetScreen-50-001 防火墙+VPN这型号其中有很多加密方式 我也没搞定vpn 是不是 对方的防火墙也是相同的加密方式 我英文不好 也是一知半解

smile787 发表于 2004-9-6 16:42:31

Left/Right: The internet IP address of the Left/Right side of the connection.Left/Right subnet: The network of the left/right hand side (e.g. would include 192.168.0.*).形式为red-ip我也没做到,好想是vpn服务没有起来。。。

smile787 发表于 2004-9-6 19:30:07

再说说吧,有条件的朋友做。。Left IP :你的公网ip(如果是拨号的,就用产生的哪个外网ip)就是你的RED线的。Left subnet :就是你主机的内网ip(如192.168.0.0/24)-就是GREEN线的。Right :是远程的公网ip-RED线的Right subnet:就是远程的主机的内网断(如他用的是192.168.1.0/24这样的网断)-green线的SERCET:是密码ENABLE:是起用LOCAL VPN IP:设置为你的RED线的外网ip(可以不设置,如果是拨号的,默认会用RED线产生的ip。

smile787 发表于 2004-9-6 19:31:57


smile787 发表于 2004-9-7 14:34:04


cloudsea 发表于 2004-9-8 23:51:14

我在VM里,架,真实网络环境下架,VPN 服务,WEB里看到启来了...只是一直无法连接...IP设置,如你所描述...98 /XP 都有试过...不知为何也~~

smile787 发表于 2004-9-8 23:54:53


srsman 发表于 2005-11-18 01:41:44


色色小坏龙 发表于 2005-11-19 10:32:07

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