zhanghui 发表于 2004-7-11 07:35:16


rainy 发表于 2004-7-12 15:37:28

是beta1版的有好多功能不支持只能作测试用What's new in v2.9beta1:*) reduced disk space requirement by 50%;*) improved ip firewall with many more matchers, chains in NAT and mangle   and more actions;*) improved bridge firewall with more matchers, tables and chains;*) increased speed of PPPoE, PPTP and L2TP connection creation, routerboard   can now handle 3000 active PPPoE connections;*) router boots much faster even with lots of queues;*) added more statistics to queues;*) added support for multiple DHCP clients;*) all PPP interface active MTU & MRUs are reported;*) PPPoE server can have limit on maximum served clients;*) added support for memory testing;*) added support for full cpu loading (to test overheating);*) multiple serial consoles;*) possibility to increase visible screen lines in the console;*) winbox now uses only one TCP port to get plug-ins and send data;*) routes now support recursive nexthop lookup;*) console help format reworked;*) added Nstreme support for Atheros wireless;*) added dual link Nstreme for Atheros wireless;*) more 802.11g support for Atheros wireless;*) hardware encryption support for Atheros;*) AES encryption support for wireless;Caveats:*) logging does not work;*) policy routing does not work;*) some console scripts could crash;*) IPsec does not work;*) prefix list configuration is incompatible with previous versions;

cloudq 发表于 2004-7-12 15:45:49


SuperNet 发表于 2004-7-20 12:35:22


ftqs520 发表于 2004-8-16 12:35:37

大哥此,你们好,我现在路由器用的是2.7.14的,版本是低了一点,不过用起来还是很稳定的啊,你们说我有没有必要再把它换成2.8 或2.9的啊,我只是作为路由器用!~~~~~~~~~

gaopangzi 发表于 2004-8-16 23:42:56


sblive 发表于 2004-8-16 23:57:25


prettywolf 发表于 2004-8-17 00:28:31


lzbnet 发表于 2004-8-17 01:23:07


smile787 发表于 2004-8-17 08:34:01

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