关于Route OS VoIP的一些要求配置资料!
请看官方文档http://www.mikrotik.com/Documentation/manual_2.7/IP/Telephony.html#ht50110119 Setting up the MikroTik IP Telephone
The QuickNet LineJACK or PhoneJACK card and the MikroTik RouterOS telephony package should be installed in the MikroTik router (IP telephone) An analog telephone should be connected to the 'phone' port of the QuickNet card. If you pick up the handset, a dialtone should be heard.
The basic telephony configuration should be as follows:
Add a voip voice port to the /ip telephony voice-port voip for each of the devices you want to call, or want to receive calls from, i.e., (the IP telephony gateway and the Welltech IP telephone
ip telephony voice-port voip> add name=gw remote-address=
ip telephony voice-port voip> add name=rob remote-address=
ip telephony voice-port voip> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - registered
0 gw 100ms none noyes
1 rob 100ms none noyes
ip telephony voice-port voip>
You should have three vioce ports now:
ip telephony voice-port> print
Flags: X - disabled
0 linejack1 linejack
1 gw voip
2 rob voip
ip telephony voice-port>
Add a at least one unique number to the /ip telephony numbers for each voice port. This number will be used to call that port:
ip telephony numbers> add dst-pattern=31 voice-port=rob
ip telephony numbers> add dst-pattern=33 voice-port=linejack1
ip telephony numbers> add dst-pattern=1. voice-port=gw prefix=1
ip telephony numbers> print
Flags: I - invalid, X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - registered
0 31 rob 31
1 33 linejack1
2 1. gw 1
ip telephony numbers>
Here, the dst-pattern=31 is to call the Welltech IP Telephone, if the number '31' is dialed on the dialpad.
The dst-pattern=33 is to ring the local telephone, if a call for number '33' is received over the network.
Anything starting with digit '1' would be sent over to the IP Telephony gateway.
Making calls from the IP telephone
To call the IP telephone, it is enough to lift the handset and dial the number "31".
To call the PBX extension 13, it is enough to lift the handset and dial the number "13".
After establishing the connection with '13', the voice port monitor shows:
ip telephony voice-port linejack> monitor linejack
status: connection
port: phone
direction: port-to-ip
line-status: unplugged
phone-number: 13
remote-party-name: PBX_Line
codec: G.723.1-6.3k/hw
duration: 16s
ip telephony voice-port linejack>
Use the telephony logging feature to debug your setup.
Setting up the IP Telephony Gateway
QuickNet LineJACK, Voicetronix, Zaptel Wildcard or ISDN (see the appropriate manual) card and the MikroTik RouterOS telephony package should be installed in the MikroTik router (IP telephony gateway) A PBX line should be connected to the 'line' port of the card. For LineJACK card the LED next to the 'line' port should be green, not red.
The IP telephony gateway requires the following configuration:
Set the regional setting to match our PBX. The mikrotik seems to be best suited:
ip telephony voice-port linejack> set linejack1 region=mikrotik
ip telephony voice-port linejack> print
Flags: X - disabled
0 name="linejack1" autodial="" region=mikrotik playback-volume=0
record-volume=0 ring-cadence="++-++--- ++-++---" agc-on-playback=no
agc-on-record=no aec=yes aec-tail-length=short aec-nlp-threshold=low
aec-attenuation-scaling=4 aec-attenuation-boost=0 software-aec=no
ip telephony voice-port linejack>
Add a voip voice port to the /ip telephony voice-port voip for each of the devices you want to call, or want to receive calls from, i.e., (the IP telephone and the Welltech IP telephone
ip telephony voice-port voip> add name=joe \
\... remote-address=
ip telephony voice-port voip> add name=rob \
\... remote-address= prefered-codec=G.723.1-6.3k/hw
ip telephony voice-port voip> print
Flags: X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - registered
0 joe 100ms none no yes
1 rob 100ms G.723.1-6.3k/hw no yes
ip telephony voice-port voip>
Add number records to the /ip telephony numbers, so you are able to make calls:
ip telephony numbers> add dst-pattern=31 voice-port=rob prefix=31
ip telephony numbers> add dst-pattern=33 voice-port=joe prefix=33
ip telephony numbers> add dst-pattern=1. voice-port=linejack1 \
\... prefix=1
ip telephony numbers> print
Flags: I - invalid, X - disabled, D - dynamic, R - registered
0 31 rob 31
1 33 joe 33
2 1. linejack1 1
ip telephony numbers>
Making calls through the IP telephony gateway:
To dial the IP telephone from the office PBX line, the extension number 19 should be dialed, and, after the dial tone has been received, the number 33 should be entered. Thus, the telephone is ringed.
After establishing the voice connection with '33' (the call has been answered), the voice port monitor shows:
ip telephony voice-port linejack> monitor linejack1
status: connection
port: line
direction: port-to-ip
line-status: plugged
phone-number: 33
remote-party-name: linejack1
codec: G.723.1-6.3k/hw
duration: 1m46s
ip telephony voice-port linejack>
To dial the IP telephone from the office PBX line, the extension number 19 should be dialed, and, after the dial tone has been received, the number 31 should be entered.