舒心 发表于 2006-4-26 12:00:25


下面是PFsense 的Firewall: Shaper: Queues: Edit中的一部分文字,看得似懂非懂,能否帮我翻译一下,先谢了!


舒心 发表于 2006-4-26 12:01:52


bsdfan 发表于 2006-4-27 11:14:00

回复 #2 舒心 的帖子


Random Early Detection

Random Early Detection (RED) is a congestion avoidance algorithm. Its job is to avoid network congestion by making sure that the queue doesn't become full. It does this by continually calculating the average length (size) of the queue and comparing it to two thresholds, a minimum threshold and a maximum threshold. If the average queue size is below the minimum threshold then no packets will be dropped. If the average is above the maximum threshold then all newly arriving packets will be dropped. If the average is between the threshold values then packets are dropped based on a probability calculated from the average queue size. In other words, as the average queue size approaches the maximum threshold, more and more packets are dropped. When dropping packets, RED randomly chooses which connections to drop packets from. Connections using larger amounts of bandwidth have a higher probability of having their packets dropped.
RED is useful because it avoids a situation known as global synchronization and it is able to accommodate bursts of traffic. Global synchronization refers to a loss of total throughput due to packets being dropped from several connections at the same time. For example, if congestion occurs at a router carrying traffic for 10 FTP connections and packets from all (or most) of these connections are dropped (as is the case with FIFO queueing), overall throughput will drop sharply. This isn't an ideal situation because it causes all of the FTP connections to reduce their throughput and also means that the network is no longer being used to its maximum potential. RED avoids this by randomly choosing which connections to drop packets from instead of choosing all of them. Connections using large amounts of bandwidth have a higher chance of their packets being dropped. In this way, high bandwidth connections will be throttled back, congestion will be avoided, and sharp losses of overall throughput will not occur. In addition, RED is able to handle bursts of traffic because it starts to drop packets before the queue becomes full. When a burst of traffic comes through there will be enough space in the queue to hold the new packets.

RED should only be used when the transport protocol is capable of responding to congestion indicators from the network. In most cases this means RED should be used to queue TCP traffic and not UDP or ICMP traffic.

For a more detailed look at the theory behind RED, please see References on RED.













Explicit Congestion Notification

Explicit Congestion Notification (ECN) works in conjunction with RED to notify two hosts communicating over the network of any congestion along the communication path. It does this by enabling RED to set a flag in the packet header instead of dropping the packet. Assuming the sending host has support for ECN, it can then read this flag and throttle back its network traffic accordingly.
For more information on ECN, please refer to RFC 3168.


ECN与RED一起工作,它的功用是通知两台正在通过一个有拥塞的网络通信的主机有拥塞发生。RED在ECN作用下会采用在数据报头将相关位置位而不是丢包的办法来处理拥塞。这一方法的前提是正在发包的主机也要支持ECN,能读懂这个拥塞信息并相应主动减少流量。 关于ECN的祥情,请参阅RFC 3168。

[ 本帖最后由 bsdfan 于 2006-4-27 12:06 编辑 ]

bsdfan 发表于 2006-4-27 11:54:11

回复 #3 bsdfan 的帖子


wuxj 发表于 2006-4-28 16:12:32


舒心 发表于 2006-4-30 10:16:30

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